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Indigo's POV:

Professor Dumbledore came up to me and told me that I will be included with the first years during the sorting hat ceremony. It made me more anxious having everyone's eyes on me, but I guess it had to be done.

We all found our seats and I sat at the end of the first year table, separated far from the friends I had just made. After waiting quite a while I heard it, "Indigo White." Professor Dumbledore called me up.

I rose to my feet, straightened out my outfit and made my way to the front. I sat down under the hat and it was placed on to my head. "Hmm," it said. "Part of you is sweet and loyal like a hufflepuff, but more than anything, I feel you are brave and courageous. This is something deep inside you. You are willing to fight for what you believe in, even if no one else will." The hat took a long pause. "Gryffindor!"

A loud applause roared from the table of Gryffindors ahead of me.

I quickly rushed over to Hermione and she embraced me in a tight hug that I wasn't exactly ready for. "I KNEW IT!!" She yelled excitedly.

I laughed as I sat down between her and Ron. He nodded his head in acceptance and held his fist out for a fist bump. I laughed and bumped my fist against his.

The rest of the dinner was spent laughing and talking to my new housemates. The twins were around us, but a little further down sitting with the 5th years. Harry seemed a little on edge, especially after some blonde haired boy asked about him fainting. He was from the Slytherin table, I didn't recognize him until I heard his last name; Malfoy.

Oh, joy. I thought to myself, son of Lucius Malfoy. I didn't know too much about him, except that he was bad news.

As we started walking to our common rooms I decided I should ask Harry if something was wrong.

"Hey!" I said running up behind him, scaring the bejesus out of him. "Are you okay? I know we kind of just met, but if something's up you can tell me." I tried to say comfortingly. I did feel like I was pushing a little, but I can't help it. When I see someones upset I try to help them.

"I'm fine..." His voice trailed off, "but, I guess after I fainted today I just had this bad feeling and with Sirius Black on the loose, I don't know. I just can't help to think something bad will happen sooner or later." He frowned.

"I know, but we are in like the safest place you could be! No one would let anything happen to you, don't worry!" I sent him a reassuring smile and we made our way to the Gryffindor common room.

I really didn't know where I was going, so I just followed everyone else. They lead the way to a painting and said some word that I didn't hear, but I just continued to follow them inside.

Walking in, the first thing I saw was a picture of my parents placed above the fireplace. Seeing my parents picture felt so reassuring. I quickly ran up to it to get a better look.

While holding the picture frame in my hand, I felt a presence come up besides me. "Are those your parents?" Ron asked from beside me.

"Yea." I let out a breathy laugh and felt happy from the thought of my parents standing where I was, just years ago.

I handed the frame to him. Our hands grazed each other's, which for some reason sent blood rushing to my cheeks. He smiled as he looked down at the picture then back at me.

After discussing my parent's history, we split ways and went to our dorms. I pulled out the sheet of paper I had gotten earlier with all the information for my dorm and classes.

My roomates consisted of Hermione Granger, Matilda Smith, and Angel Henderson. Not too bad. I really only knew Hermione, but I'm sure I would get to know the other girls soon enough. Once I got into my dorm I changed into shorts and a sweatshirt. Most of the girls were already asleep and in their beds, so I just headed to the only empty bed left.

I grabbed my ipod and started listening to some Bazzi, leading me on my way to a peaceful slumber.

A/N: Okay, I know Matilda Smith and Angel Henderson don't actually exist, but I want to make there be some more girl Gryffindor characters so there they are. I will also add them to the prologue chapter, but just know you can imagine them anyway you would like. They will have a basic description, but however you would like to think of them you can do so. Share if you would like as well!! It would be cool to see what each person thinks of these characters. I will probably add other characters along the way too, just because I like having a variety of people. :) oh yeah and I hope you like it ah

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