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Indigo's POV:

I woke up the next morning to squeals coming from the bed beside me. The bright morning sun shown through my blinds and straight into my cornea.

I pulled my blanket over my head, "What are you yelling about." I grumbled loud enough for my roomates to hear.

"Get out here, Indigo." I felt a sudden tug on my blanket as Matilda had yanked my blanket from my eyes, exposing the sun onto me.

"I kissed someone!" Hermione excitedly squealed.

"I saw!" I smiled at her.

"Wait, what? How did you see?" She jumped, her face flashing red.

"I mean you were kind of out in the open." I shrugged, but I was interested and wanted to hear all about it, "But explain!!"

"Well, whatever. He's a year older than us and he's in slytherin, but he was actually really sweet. He was very gentle too when he kissed me, but I really didn't expect kissing to be such a weird feeling." She confided.

"It feels weird your first time, but it gets better." Angel reassured her.

"Where were you all night, Indigo?" Mione asked.

"I was kind of just around and then I left at 11 and..." I started to clam up, thinking about what happened last night made me nervous, even now.

"And.." Matilda motioned for me to continue.

"And...Ron gave me a note to come to the astronomy tower and set up flower petals and just kinda told me he wanted to be together and then he kissed me." I let out.

"HE KISSED YOU!!" All the girls shreaked in sync.

Then there were screams, "FINALLY!!" Angel said.

"NO WAY!" Hermione yelled.

I laughed, "Shh, shh he will hear you!" I threw a pillow at them.

"Took you guys long enough. Seriously." Matilda threw the pillow back, maybe me fall back.

"Soulmates!" Angel basically sang.

"We aren't dating, just more than friends I guess? I still have to talk to Oliver." Thinking about having that conversation made me sick, I felt terrible.

"Oh shit. I forgot Oliver was a person." Matilda confessed, laughing at herself.

"When are you going to do it?" Hermione wondered.

"After his game. No way I could tell him before." I shrugged.

We all showered and then got ready for breakfast, which meant lots of bacon and orange juice.

I saw all the boys were already at the table, making me excited to go over. Especially because Ron was sitting there.

After we all got our food, we made our way to the table.

"Hey, guys!" I said, happily.

I was very content.

"Hi." Ron sent a his signature smile my way. My face instantly reddened.

We all had a very normal and casual breakfast, though Ron kept trying to play footsie under the table or throw his food at me.

I joking rolled my eyes at his efforts causing him to just continue pushing further.

It seemed as if everyone already knew, but I had only told the girls. I just hoped that Oliver wouldn't somehow find out before I got the chance to tell him.

We finished breakfast and got ready for the game. I had walked into the common room to write to my parents before we had to leave for the game.

Ron had done the same.

"Hello, my baby." I heard him say from the couch.

"Baby?" I felt so bubbly around him.

"Yes. You're my baby now." He pulled me on top of him on the couch and started kissing me all over.

"Ron stop!" I jokingly yelled in between giggles, "Someone might see!" I could barely get out any words because he started to tickle me.

"Let them see." He put his lips on my neck and blew, making an eruption of laughter burst from my mouth.

"Okay! Okay!" I squealed, moving away from his grasp, "I have to go, I'll see you there?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes, yes. See you there." He looked down at his now crumpled up letter.

I realized I hadn't even written mine yet, but I guess I would just do it later.

I found the girls and we all walked to the quidditch stadium together. Oliver is the keeper, so he was already flying around and practicing.

We found out seats and began cheering. We had gotten there right as warm-ups were ending and the game was starting.

Ron, Neville, Dean and Seamus found they way to us and we all sat together.

During certain points in the game, I would feel Ron lightly brush past my hand with his. I knew it was on purpose, but it was almost like he was trying to keep it a secret. Something between only us.

It drove me crazy, but I liked it.

The game ended with Gryffindor winning and Harry catching the snitch. Gryffindor section erupted with cheers, Fred and George had set up fireworks to explode if they won, so that was really fun to watch.

Everyone made their way back to the common room and I decided it was time to talk to Oliver.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I pulled him away from his friends.

"Yeah, what's up?" He followed me to a empty bathroom near the common room.

"I just want to be honest with you, okay?" I waited until he nodded, to continue, "I think you're great, but there is someone I kind of just fit better with. I'm sorry. I really do believe that you're a great person and maybe a different time things would be different, but it's just.."

He cut me off, "It's Ron, isn't it?"

I looked at him confused, "How did you.."

"I can see the way you look at each other. No one looks at their friend that way. Don't forget how jealous you would always get when you saw him with Grace." He said, not angry but just a little discouraged, "It's okay. I know you guys are meant to be." He kissed my cheek.

"So you're not mad?" I tilted my head.

"No Indigo, I'm not mad. I get it. I just hope you're happy, if it doesn't work out, you know I'm here." He smiled, pushing me back lightly.

I laughed as well, "Thank you." I gave him a friendly, yet meaningful hug and we both headed back to the common room.

That went so much better than I thought it would.

I made my way towards all my friends and began singing to the music playing loudly around us.

âme sœur - ron weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now