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Indigo's POV:

Angel and Matilda walked excitedly into our dorm after a night with the Ravenclaws, "Guess what!!" Matilda said loudly.

Hermione and I had been helping each other study for the past couple of days, so we were deep in our books.

"What?" We looked up.

"TOMMY ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!!" Matilda screamed, jumping up and down.

"YAY!!" Hermione and I jumped up to hug her and asked for all the details.

"I'm happy we waited a few weeks because now I really got to know him and I like him so much more! I'm sure that will happen with you too, Indigo." She smiled towards me, suggesting I would somehow fall for Oliver.

We talked and I was literally so happy for her, she likes Tommy so much and they spend every waking moment together, so I knew it was coming.

Hermione frowned, "Why don't any boys like me?"

"Mione! No stop, they do. They are just intimidated." Angel said soothingly.

"Intimidated by what." She put her head in my lap, signalling for me to play with her hair and make her feel better.

"How pretty and smart and good at everything you are." I said, twirling a curl between my fingers.

"Yes, exactly. Boys are also just confusing too." We all nodded at Angel's statement, agreeing.

"Oh! Also, Jake, Tommy's best friend, said that they are going to have a party tomorrow night and we are all invited!!" Matilda watched our faces light up.

"Oh my god I can't wait!!" I screeched excitedly.

"We just have to make sure to keep a better eye on you this time, Indigo." Hermione looked up at me from my lap.

"I know. No more firewhisky." I giggled, "Just some spiked apple cider." I said, making them all giggle as well.

I wondered if Oliver could go, but then I remembered he had a quidditch game the next day, which meant he would just be making plays all night.

Matilda froze as a thought went through her head.

"What is it, M?" I asked.

"Nothing." She lied, "Just that Ron and Grace are going to be there."

"Oh...that's no big deal, not like any of us would get a word to Ron when he's with Grace anyway." I lightly laughed awkwardly.

It's really not a big deal, I understood I couldn't be with Ron. It was accepted in my head. Oliver was nice too. As much as I wished I could be with Ron, I was just happy he was happy.

It was a nice day out, which is weird for November, so all of us decided to go on a walk. We invited Harry who came with us because Ron had been ditching him basically the past week and a half.

Dean and Seamus were also almost never really around, they were somewhere together everyday.

As we walked, I didn't say much. I mostly thought about things like my parents, my friends at home, and unfortunately Ron crossed my brain a couple of times. Everytime I thought about his smile or his eyes, I forced myself to think of Oliver.

We made our way to a lake in which we all sat and skipped rocks. Hagrid was there, he was standing knee deep in the lake.

"Hey, Hagrid." Harry said loudly.

Hagrid didn't move. I heard that in one of his classes, his pet hippogriff accidentally scratched Draco's arm. Draco being the drama queen he is, told his father and now his father has taken it to the board.

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