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Hi!! Before i start this chapter i just want to say thank you for reading if you are reading!! the reason i haven't been active is because my computer is broken, so i can't type on that. i wrote a few chapters before it broke, so i will be publishing those in the next few days. it should be fixed soon so i can start writing again!! okay now enjoy!! xx

Indigo's POV:

By the end of the week, the weather had transformed from fall to the dead of winter. It was snowing, laying a beautiful coat of white ice all over the fields and the castle.

I always loved winter, it was my 2nd favorite season next to spring. But then again, I find something beautiful about every season, so it's hard to pick.

Friday classes were finally over, which meant it was the weekend.

"Poker tonight?" I asked as we all walked back from the great hall, after dinner.

"Sounds good." The twins said, giving me a noogie before disappearing somewhere, probably to cause trouble.

"Let's meet at 8?" I suggested.

"Splendid!" They boys all said together.

"Indigo, you said you would study with me!" Hermione pleaded.

"Right. Okay, let's go now so we make it in time for poker." She nodded and we made our way to the library.

All of the many books on the shelves, the silence, the chestnut wood tables, everything about this library intrigued me.

"I wonder if anyone has actually read all of these books." I turned my head and looked down the shelves upon shelves of books.

"I will one day." Hermione stated proudly.

"Of course you will." I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"I've actually read more than half of them, which means by the time I graduate, I should've read every single one."

"What about the new ones that come in?" I faked a shocked expression.

"I have a plan for that too." She said happily, until she looked over and realized I was being sarcastic.

She lightly pushed me before telling me to shove off.

We sat at a desk and studied for about an hour. Well, Hermione studied for an hour, I studied for maybe 10 minutes and then started reading a book about the weirdest spells and what they do. Which I guess you could consider studying.

I felt Mione kick my legs as I began to doze off, "Owe." I yelled.

I received many "Shh's" from the surrounding students.

Hermione rolled her eyes and then shut her book, "Okay. Let's go."

She knew I would've just fallen asleep again and it was more worthwhile for her to study in the dorm than try to study with me snoring across from her.

We got back to the dorms and threw on some pj's. I wore soft shorts with a tank top and a big fuzzy jacket, while Hermione wore the ugliest matching set of PJ's I have ever seen.

"What are know what, I actually don't feel like arguing over your clothing choices right now." She rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at me.

"It's comfortable, okay?" She made her way to the door, "Grab the cards and chips!" She yelled before leaving me alone in our dorm.

Matilda was with Tommy, which meant Angel was probably hanging with them and another Ravenclaw. She mentioned she had began to fancy a boy named Lucas. She described his blonde hair as strings of gold, weirdo.

I grabbed the set of poker chips and cards and entered a common room filled with my friends, ready for the game.

Ron patted a spot he kept for me on the couch next to him, so I made my way there. They all gathered around the table. Tonight the group included, me, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Luna, Fred and George, Dean, Seamus, Ginny, and another girl named Lavender Brown.

That's the girl who sat next to Ron on my first day.

I dealt the cards out to everyone and then started the game.

"Check." Hermione said.

"Raise 5." Said George.

Ginny was Ron's younger sister, she was a second year, so she was a little confused on how to play still. We decided it would be best for her to team up with Fred and let him teach her how to play.

Lavender kept making googly eyes at Ron everytime he spoke.

It was just us 3 left and Lavender wasn't backing down, "Raise by 2." She said, looking for Ron to make a move.

"Okay, match." Ron's competitive side really came out during this game.

"I'll match too." I gritted my teeth as I threw in my chips to match Ron's and Lavenders.

"Flip!" George yelled.

I had basically nothing, but I didn't want to fold to her.

"Ron, you win!" I looked at his cards, he had a flush, "Very lucky!" I kissed his cheek, gaining ooo's from the twins.

"Aww yay Wonnie!" Lavender squealed lovingly.

For some reason, in that moment I felt the need to claim Ron. I placed my hand on his cheek and put pressure, causing him to face me. I looked into his beautiful eyes, before leaning in and planting a passionate kiss on his lips.

I could tell he was timid at first, but once I started to deepen the kiss, he did as well.

I heard whistles, making me pull away. Both of our faces were as red as a tomato's and Lavenders, pale as could be.

We decided we all were ready for bed, so most people left, but Ron and Harry stayed to help me clean up.

"What was that all about?" Ron whispered in my ear, while brushing past me to get to the poker case.

"What was what all about?" I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes at his.

"She was jealous." Harry said plainly.

"Shove off, Harry." I giggled pushing him slightly, making him spill the poker chips he had just picked up.

"Jealous of what?" Ron asked curiously from beside me.

"Nothing. I wasn't jealous!" My voice raising because I was lying.

"Liar." Harry said quickly, running away before I could smack him.

My eyes met Ron's and I could tell he was pleading to know what was wrong.

"Okay!" I broke eye contact, not being able to keep it in, "I just heard what Lavender called you and got a little...I don't know..."

"Jealous?" He raised his eyebrows, laughing a little.

"Hey!" I smacked him playfully, "Don't laugh at me!" I said in between giggles and light punches to his shoulder.

"I'm..." He laughed again, "I'm not!" He couldn't contain his laughter anymore, "I'm sorry! But come on. You think I would ever fancy Lavender the way I fancy you?" He said a bit more serious this time.

I shrugged, making me a look a bit insecure, but I didn't care.

"Indigo, my eyes don't even see anyone, but you." And with that, he swept me into his arms and placed his lips upon mine. Moving them in sync with mine.

Just as the kiss began to get deeper, he pulled away, "You haven't unlocked that level yet." he stated.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him, "See you tomorrow." He sent me and grin and pecked me one more time before going back to his dorm.

The next morning came around, Hogsmeade day!

I loved going to Hogsmeade, it just automatically put me in a good mood.

A/N: I decided to split these chapters up instead of one long chapter, so I'm sorry about that! I have a really good vision for where this story will go so stay tuned :) Also, i actually don't hate Lavender, I just needed her to be this person in my story !

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