Chapter 18

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Three Years Ago

Lizzie's POV: I shook my head, muttering to myself as I placed the shirt back on the hanger. "Need some help, ma'am", Hope teased, walking up beside me as I bit back a smile.

"What are you doing here? I thought you hated shopping", I pointed out, causing her face to redden.

"I never said that...exactly", she defended.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to kill me or something", I hummed, picking up another shirt and tossing it to the side. "This is ridiculous. In Europe, you could find anything that your looking for, but it seems Mystic Falls has literally no taste in fashion", I huffed.

"Hey! What about me", Hope frowned, causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"You do realize that you just proved my point right? Those boots does not go with that top", I interjected as she rolled her eyes. "I might as well start my own fashion line", I muttered to myself before spotting a couple dresses a few hangers down. "Now this is more like it", I smiled, picking them up as I looked over them. "Which one", I asked her.

"Lizzie, I'm sure whatever you pick-"

"No, you're right", I hummed. "I'll try them both on", I grinned, taking off toward the dressing room.

Slipping off my clothes, I stepped into the dress before pulling it up as I looked myself over in the mirror. "Hope, what do you think", I asked, walking outside to see a boy rest his elbow on Hope's head as his friends laughed to themselves. I grit my teeth as a anger burned through my stomach. "Hey! Get your hands off my Hobbit", I yelled, shoving him backward as his friends friends whispered behind him.

"Do you want me to call someone, cause I think Santa lost one of his elf's", they snickered as my blood boiled.  

"You know...", I glared before a hand grabbed my arm. 

"Lizzie, don't", Hope pleaded, causing me to look over at her disapprovingly. 

"Fine", I relented before seeing the guys smirk. "But for the record, I would slap you, but this dress is really expensive, and I don't want to get shit all over it", I shrugged carelessly, smiling sweetly as his smiled slowly dropped. 

Taking Hope's hand, we turned to leave before he grabbed my arm. "Hey! We're not finished here", he exclaimed.

"You guys never are", I sighed, pulling my hand away. "That's why they make vibrators, honey", I shot back.

"Lizzie", Hope exclaimed.

"What? He started it", I said.

"No, we can't just leave without paying", she reminded, gesturing toward the dress I'm wearing as I smiled sheepishly. 

"We should", I smirked.

"But we're not", she scolded.

"Buzzkill", I muttered.

"Wait here", she pleaded before walking up to the counter as I leaned against the wall. 

Should I tell her that I left my clothes in the dressing room? I shrugged to myself before letting the matter drop. This town could use some fashion advise anyway.


Hope's POV: I smiled to myself as I lead Lizzie toward the building. I didn't know what exactly to get her for Christmas, but I do know that she's been talking about starting her own fashion line ever since we first met. "Okay, keep your eyes closed", I smiled.

"What are we even doing out here? Christmas was days ago", she whined, causing me to bite my lip as I looked over her Reindeer pajamas. 

"You don't say", I smiled.

"Hope, I'm really not in the mood. Where are we going", she huffed as I stopped outside the doors.

"Okay, we're here", I smiled, taking my hands away as she looked over at the building in front of us boredly. 

"You made me miss my show for a clothing store", she asked in annoyance. "Timmy's trapped in the well, Hope", she pouted, causing me to send her a smile. 

She looks so cute. 

"This isn't just a clothing store, Lizzie", I said, leading her toward the door.

"Yay! A closed clothing store. That's even better", she cheered sarcastically. "Can we go now? It's freezing out here", she whined, causing me to chuckle lightly. 

I told her before we left to grab a jacket or some warmer clothes, but the girl refused to change out of her pj's. "I bought it for you", I admitted, watching her eyes light up.

"Seriously", she gaped. 

"How else are you gonna jump start your own fashion line? Now, I know it isn't big...", I got out before shrieking as she threw her arms around me tightly. 

"Thank you. I love it", she smiled excitedly, pulling me into, causing my eyes to widen in shock before she quickly pulled away. "Sorry, I didn't...I mean...this is just so sweet, and...", she stammered embarrassedly, causing me to smile softly. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her into a another kiss, causing her to tense before slowly melting into my arms as she wrapped her arms around me.

We jumped apart with a small gasp as the fireworks went off above us, causing my face to heat up as she laughed lightly. "Wow...Happy New Years, Hope Mikaelson", she smiled shyly.

"Come on. Let me show you around", I suggested, trying to change the subject as I pulled her into the door eagerly.

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