Chapter 20

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Lizzie's POV: I'm finally getting everything that I've ever wanted! I'm marrying the love of my life, moving into a big house, and starting my own business. I'm supposed to be happy right? But how can I be happy when my family is half-way across the globe? I haven't even told them that I'm getting married yet, and I've been hesitant to sent the invitations for fear of rejection. 

But that shouldn't put a damper on my mood. I'm getting married for Pete's sake. No, the thing that was bothering me was that I was currently in the hospital waiting on Hope to finish her exams. Recently, the girl has been feeling a little off lately. She's been sleeping more often, and has been a little...moody. 

I was just gonna shrug it off, but yesterday she just broke some guy's arm because he was staring at me. Which, granted, is a normal Hope Mikaelson response for when she gets jealous. After we got home is where the problem started. 

I was already in a bad mood, because I've been feeling a little sick lately, and our date was completely ruined. So when Hope started yelling at me about how the dress that I was wearing was 'too attractive', I snapped. I told Hope all because we're getting married does not give her the right to boss me around, and that's when she just...collapsed.

I don't know if it was because of the stress, or if she had used too much magic that morning, but I brought her to the hospital for testing. What worries me was that she's been in there for hours, and I know for a fact if it was 'just stress', we would've been home by now. 

Ridding my thoughts from my head, I quickly stood up as I spotted Hope walking back over to me. "Hey, how did it go", I asked before noticing the tears in her eyes.

"Lizzie", she cried, wrapping her arms around me tearfully. 

"What? What's wrong", I asked. "Are you okay? What did the doctors say", I panicked as she cried into my shoulder. 

"T-they said it was Glioblastoma", she supplied, causing my world to shatter. 


Penelope's POV: I sighed, throwing my keys onto the counter as I walked toward the kitchen for a bite to eat. Grabbing the left overs from last night, I stuck them into the microwave as I heard my phone ring. Slipping my cell phone out of my pocket, I quickly answered it and put it on speaker as I watched the timer. "Hello", I said absentmindedly. 

"Penelope", Lizzie sobbed into the phone, causing me to stand up straighter.

"Lizzie? What's wrong", I asked worriedly. 

"It's Hope", she cried as the microwave went off.

"I'm on my way", I promised, forgetting about my food, as I made my way toward the door.

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