Chapter 9

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Josie's POV: I sat on the couch, rereading The Clock Tower for what seemed like the hundredth time before closing it with a small sigh. Maybe Hope's right. I really have spent too much time on this couch. I'm practically going crazy. I mean, I actually thought Hope was an assassin. Shaking my head, I jumped slightly as the TV switched on as my sister's voice filled the room, causing me to look up to see Lizzie in what looked like a police car.

"Okay, I'm all settled in", Lizzie smiled tiredly.

"What the Hell", I muttered, looking around for the remote.

"This is my fourth day in this God awful town, and I gotta say that the people here are barbarians", she complained, causing me to pause in my search for the missing remote to listen to Lizzie. "Just seconds ago, some cop tried arresting me because it was 'a crime to be this beautiful'. Can you believe the nerve of this guy", she huffed, causing me to roll my eyes in amusement. "So I punched the guy and broke his nose, so then I actually got arrested...", she admitted sheepishly, causing me to snicker.

"Really, Lizzie", I laughed.

"What? The guy had it coming", she laughed. "I haven't even told you the best part", she said, causing me to lean forward in anticipation. "Apparently the cop that arrested me was this dude's friend. What was her name again? Penelope...I think", she paused, shaking her head. "I'm telling you, this girl is the living, breathing version of Satan", she said dramatically.

"Blondie, what are you doing back there", I heard Penelope ask before the video cut out.

When the video cut back on, my eyes widen in concern as I saw Lizzie sitting on the couch with tears streaming down her face, and a gash on her forehead.

"Hey, Jo", she smiled weakly. "This is now the twentieth day that I've been here, and it's just been amazing", she lied, smiling through her tears. "The people are just...great", she sniffed. "Penelope and I even became friends...ish", she added.

"Last week, Penelope and I went out to eat, and I saw him, Jo", she choked out. "I saw our dad", she explained. "I tried talking to him, but he...he didn't recognize me. He had no idea who I was", she sobbed out. "I got so upset that I hopped into Penelope's police cruiser and took off", she admitted, looking down at the couch. "I didn't think...I haven't had an episode since I was thirteen so...", she stammered. "All I remember is waking up in the hospital. Penelope's going to be pissed that I crashed her car", she sighed. "I haven't seen her since the accident, which I don't know is a good or bad sign", she winced. "I just got released today, and...", she got out before the phone rang. "Hello", she answered.

"Hi, honey", mom's voice came over the phone.

"Mom", I whispered tearfully.

"Hey, mom", she smiled as if hearing her voice instantly made her day better.

"How are you", she asked.

"I'm great, mom. The town is amazing, and the people are really...nice", she answered with fake cheerfulness.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that, sweetie", she answered happily.

How could mom not tell that Lizzie was in pain, or that she clearly wasn't happy?

"Where's Josie", she asked, biting her lip anxiously.

"Oh, she's upstairs doing her homework. That's where she usually stays since...", she trailed off, causing Lizzie to frown.

"Could...I mean, can I talk to her", she asked her hopefully.

I remembered this...

"Yeah. Hold on, sweetie. Josie! Josie, could you come here a second", she shouted as Lizzie bit her lip anxiously. "Hello, my little hermit crab", she greeted, causing her to smile as my heart broke.

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