Chapter 12

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Josie's POV: After listening to their stories and cleaning up the left over pizza, I waited until they left before allowing the information to finally set in. Frowning to myself, I got off the couch to search the house only to come up empty handed. "That's...weird", I muttered to myself before glancing over at the TV. Walking into the bedroom, I unzipped my bag to grab my notebook before turning to the first clean page.

The Mystery Of Mystic Falls.

Frowning to myself at the name, I erased the title before filling in something else.

The Tape.

Tapping my pencil against the page, I thought about everything that's happened since I stepped foot into this town before quickly filling the page with questions.

1.) Why did Hope and Penelope claim to 'hate' my sister and then stay in her house after her death?

"Wow, you two really didn't hit it off well, huh", I asked.

"We hated each other, but our story is not nearly as bad as Hope's", Penelope replied


"So, were you two friends", I asked Hope.

"No we...weren't friends", she answered. "She actually hated me", she explained, causing me to frown.

"Is there anyone in this miserable town that my sister didn't hate", I muttered to myself.

"No", she answered, causing me to look over at her curiously.

2.) Why was there a box of Lizzie's things doing in Hope's car?

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably as I glanced over at Hope. She's been quiet the whole drive back. I hope I didn't upset her any. Come on, think...maybe I could somehow get her mind off it. I looked around the car, trying to find anything that might start up a conversation before my eyes landed on...underwear...really? I paused, spotting a box with Lizzie's name on it before squinting my eyes in suspicion. No, it couldn't be.

3.) What are Penelope and Hope hiding about what happened the night of my sister's death?

I lay awake in bed tiredly, trying to hear what Penelope and Hope are whispering about in the hall. "Hope, look at me", I heard Penelope say. "None of this is your fault, okay? If's mine", she admitted guiltily.

What's going on?

What are they talking about?

"No, Penelope-"

"I should've never left her alone that night", Penelope choked out before silent sobs filled the air.

"What happened to Lizzie is not your fault, Penelope", Hope whispered.

"I could've saved her", she cried silently, causing me to frown.

4.) If this is Lizzie's house...where are the rest of her stuff?

5.) What happened to the money Lizzie was saving up to buy a plane ticket back home?

"To tell you the truth, I'm actually thinking about moving back in with you and mom", Lizzie admitted. "I don't know if I can take being away from you two much longer", she said as a sob escaped her mouth. "I hate it here", she cried. "I've actually been saving up money to buy me a ticket back home, but it's...been hard", she croaked. "Between paying the rent, and everything...but don't worry. I'll be home soon, I promise. Then you can yell at me all you want", she smiled sadly before the video cut off.

I paused as I got up, walking over to my bag, and pulling out a letter from Lizzie.

I walked through the front door to see mom sitting on the couch watching 'Criminal Minds'. "You have mail on the table", mom told me.

"Do you seriously not get tired of that? I mean, you're the sheriff", I pointed out.

"I'm doing my homework", she defended. "In order to catch the criminal, you have to think like one", she told me.

I frowned, turning the letter over curiously.

Huh...that is strange.

Picking up my pencil, I quickly added another question.

6.) Why did I survive that night of the break in? Was it planned? Was someone after mom?

I paused, thinking this over before thinking back to the night of the accident before glancing toward the letter once more. Biting my lip, I ripped open the letter before my eyes widened in shock. A hand flew to my mouth before I dropped the letter shakily.

No. This isn't true...

Placing a hand over my chest, I looked down at my notebook and blinked away my tears.

It's insane.

It's not true!

They would've told me...

She would've told me...

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