Chapter 29

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Josie's POV: I looked around the room once more, almost expecting Lizzie to appear again. What was that? Some kind of memory? "Are you okay", Penelope questioned, causing me to jump, forgetting that she was here. 

"Y-yeah, I...I just...", I breathed, looking around the room once more. "I think I just really need to be alone right now", I admitted, causing Penelope to nod hesitantly, glancing around the room herself, before walking out the door. "Thank you for the tape, Penelope. It was nice seeing my sister again, even is she's not", I smiled, following her downstairs as I opened the front door. 

"Anytime", she nodded. "And if you ever need something, just call me", she offered, walking out the door as I shut it behind her. Walking toward the window, I watched her pull out of the driveway before disappearing down the road before I grabbed a black jacket hanging by the door. Opening the door once more, I made my way down the driveway as I hurried toward Hope's house. 

I smiled to myself, spotting Hope's car in her driveway before leaning forward to look inside only to frown as I noticed that the box was gone. Walking up Hope's driveway, I hesitantly tried the knob only to relax as I realized that it was unlocked.

There's only one more person in Mystic Falls that should know Lizzie as much as I do, and that's Hope. 

Shutting the door behind me, I walked through the house before pushing open Hope's bedroom door only to find her gone. "Hope", I called, shivering to myself as my voice seemed to echo off the walls.

Where could she have gone?

I paused, spotting a familiar box laying next to Hope's bed as I bent down to tear it open. Spotting the blue music box inside, I carefully picked it up as I sat on the edge of Hope's bed tearfully. Attempting to open it, I frowned in annoyance as it refused to open. Looking it over, I paused, rubbing my finger across the small keyhole on the front. 

"I can't believe it. Little Josie is starting college next week", Lizzie sniffed, wiping away an imaginary tear. "They grow up so fast", she joked, causing me to roll my eyes as I smacked her arm playfully.

"Keep talking like that, and you can forget planning my wedding", I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest, causing her to gasp.

"You wouldn't dare", she gaped, her expression serious.

"Jeez, I'm kidding. Calm down", I giggled.

"How can you just joke about something like that, Josie", she huffed, getting up from the couch as she stormed upstairs. I blinked, staring at her retreating form before getting up to follow after her only to find her laying on my bed, clutching Mr. Grumbles. 

"Are you okay", I asked, sitting down beside her.

"I'm scared, Jo", she whispered. "You're going off to college next week. You seem to have you're whole life figured out, and I'm still trying to decide on what outfit to wear tomorrow", she admitted quietly. "What won't need me anymore", she sniffed, looking up at me tearfully. "What if we grow a part or have some stupid fight that-"

"That won't happen-"

"How do you know that", she snapped, causing me to stare at her in shock. "H-how do you know that there won't be a day where we have to say goodbye", she asked, her voice breaking as a tear slid down her face, causing my eyes to soften.

"Because even if I leave there's still apart of me with you", I admitted, before lowering my eyes. "I know this isn't much, but I want you to keep Mr. Grumbles", I told her, causing her mouth to drop.

"N-no, I can't do that. You love him", she said, causing me to smile.

"But I love you more, looks like you need him more than I do", I smiled, causing her to bite her lip as she unfastened her necklace.

"Then take this", she pleaded, causing my eyes to widened.

"Oh no, I can't-"

"Yes, you can", she told me firmly, moving to put it around my neck.

"Lizzie, grandma gave you that necklace", I reminded, moving my hair to the side.

"And now I'm giving it to you", she told me firmly as she fastened it around my neck. "Just promise me that you'll never take it off", she said, causing me to give her a strange look. "Promise me", she pushed, causing me to nod silently.

"I promise", I whispered.

Touching my necklace in shock, I looked down at my necklace as my eyes traced over the small, golden key. Picking up the box, I carefully slid the key into the lock before turning it slightly as I heard a small click. Pulling the key out, I allowed my necklace to safely fall back onto my chest as I opened the lid before a soft, familiar tune filled the room.

I smiled, picking up a small picture of me cuddled up with Mr. Grumbles in bed. Placing it back into the box, I picked up another picture of Hope and Lizzie kissing, causing me to shake my head in amusement. "Really, Lizzie", I laughed, before my eyes caught a picture in the bottom of the box. Picking it up curiously, my smile fell as I looked over the picture in confusion. Looking back down at the box, I frowned, picking up a small tea bag with a sticky note attached to the side. 


Glancing back at the picture in my hand, my mind spun as my eyes traced over the way Lizzie smiled at the camera with Penelope's arm wrapped around her waist.

What does any of this mean?

Did Lizzie and Penelope...

No, that doesn't make any sense. 

Lizzie was marrying Hope, right?

And what the hell does tea have anything to do with...

"It was Lizzie's", Penelope explained, setting a cup in front of me. "She sometimes used it when she was upset about something. She called it her magical calming tea", she chuckled sadly.

"Shit", I cursed, rushing out the door.

Rushing out of the house, I took off running down the road as everything blended together. I couldn't think straight. The only thing I knew was that I needed to find Hope. She's the key to Lizzie's disappearance, and if Lizzie's little show and tell has anything to warn me about, it would be that Hope is in danger.

A large sign greeted me at the front as I ran through the gate to spot Hope in the distance. "Hope", I called, hurrying toward her side only to freeze in my tracts. 

"I...I don't understand", she muttered to herself as I stared at the huge hole beside a tombstone.

Lizzie's tombstone.

"What did you do", I asked her quietly, trying to ignore the urge to step forward and peer down into the hole. "Hope, what did you do", I demanded, feeling my shock give away for anger.

"She's not here", she said, barely above a whisper.

"What", I frowned.

"She's not here", she screamed, throwing her shovel meters away from us as it shattered an older tombstone. "I...I saw her...I watch them lower her into the ground", she said, turning around as I noticed the hurt and confusion in her eyes as tears ran down her face. 

"What do you mean she's not here", I asked her in confusion.

"Lizzie's coffin...", she forced out, causing my stomach to churn. "It's empty", she sniffed, causing my mouth to fall open.

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