Chapter 13

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Hope's POV: Walking into the kitchen with a small sigh, I grabbed a beer from the fridge before popping the top off, drinking half the bottle. Looking up at an old picture on the fridge, I smiled to myself as I ran my finger over Lizzie's features before hearing a soft click. "Penelope? Is that you", I asked, setting my beer down on the counter. Exiting the kitchen, I walked across the living room and pulled open the front door as Josie stared up at me in shock. "Josie? What are you doing here-"

"You lied to me", she interrupted, holding up a key with my family crest marked on the side.

"What are you talking about", I questioned, before she held up a letter. "Am I supposed to know what that is", I asked her in confusion.

"It's an invitation", she said, crossing her arms sternly. "To your wedding", she glared, causing me to close my eyes painfully.

"Maybe you should come inside", I suggested, before she pushed passed me. "This bring back memories", I sighed, shutting the door as Josie sat down on the couch, waiting for an explanation.

"The first time I met Lizzie, I'll admit, I was a little put off", I chuckled. "She was strange. I couldn't seem to quite figure her out", I admitted. "She didn't like to see anyone hurt, but she also loved starting fights. I couldn't count the amount of times that I had to defuse a situation between Landon and Lizzie", I chuckled, causing Josie to frown at the new name. "Long story", I waved her off. "After we met, Lizzie made it her life's mission to insult every single article of clothing I had", I laughed, rolling my eyes with a small smile. "She even picked on me for being short. She said I should be a rodeo clown or something", I explained, causing Josie to crack a smile.

"Yes, we hated each other at first, but then I actually took time to try to understand her, and so we hung out", I nodded, sitting down beside her. "I don't know when it started, but soon I was noticing the way her eyes sparkled when she was happy, or the way she said way too many Harry Potter jokes to not secretly be a nerd", I said with a small tearful laugh. "Can you really blame me for wanting to be with her for the rest of my life", I questioned.

I laughed softly as Lizzie waved her hands around dramatically. "How could you date that", she scowled. "You could do so much better than that...what", she asked, noticing my smile.

"Nothing. It's just...I've never heard anyone call Landon an over-sized Muppet before", I snickered, causing her to roll her eyes.

"We started hanging out more. Talking about our hopes and dreams, and defending each other", I smiled.

"Which one", Lizzie asked, holding up the clothes.

"Lizzie, I'm sure whatever you pick-"

"No, you're right. I'll try them both on", she grinned, disappearing into the changing room.

"Seriously! And this chick...", someone said before a group of people ran into me.

"Oh, sorry", he apologized.

"It's fi-"

"I didn't realize they put a armrest out in the middle of the store", he said, resting his elbow on my head.

"Hey! Get your hands off my Hobbit", Lizzie yelled, shoving him backward.

"Do you want me to call someone", one of his friends asked us. "Cause I think Santa lost one of his elf's", they snickered.

"You know...", Lizzie started, placing her hand on her hip thoughtfully.

"Lizzie, don't", I pleaded, causing her to glance over at me thoughtfully.

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