Chapter 27

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Josie's POV: I turned over onto my side as I attempted to fall asleep, but my mind refused to shut down. The only thing I can seem to do is think about tonight's events. Giving up on sleep altogether, I stared up at the ceiling as I recalled the odd encounter with Penelope hours ago.

I frowned to myself as Penelope continued to ramble before I held my hand out in front of me. "Penelope, what are you-"

"The tape", she blurted out, causing me to frown in confusion.

"What", I questioned.

"Do you remember the day you showed up at the house", she questioned.

"Of course", I got out before she disappeared back into the house before resurfacing with a black bag. 

"There are things that you don't know", she retorted. "About this town, your father,", she said before hanging me the bag. "Your sister's life here wasn't all sunshine and rainbows", she commented. 

"What is all this", I asked her skeptically. 

"It's the second tape", she supplied, causing me to send her a confused look. 

"It was in Hope's room", she said. 

"How many of these did she-"

"I honestly don't know", she admitted. "But the things on this one. They don't...they don't paint Hope in the best light...", she explained, causing me to frown.

"Did she do something", I whispered.

"I think that maybe you need to see it for yourself", she insisted before walking back into the house and shutting the door behind her.

Sitting up in bed, I grabbed the tape from the dresser as I looked it over curiously before making out the familiar writing on the front. 

Tape 2- Hope Mikaelson

Getting out of bed, I made my way downstairs before sliding the tape into the VCR and pressing play.


Penelope's POV: Digging the spare key out of my pocket, I unlocked the door before pushing my way inside only to spot Josie curled up on the couch with a box of tissues in her hand. "Good morning", I greeted, causing her to jump.

"It's morning", she frowned, looking out the window as she paused the video.

"How much did you sleep", I frowned.

"None", she admitted. "I couldn't stop thinking about what you said last night", she sighed as I sat down next to her. 

"How far...", I asked, looking over at her curiously. 

"About half", she sighed. "It's a basic love story", she shrugged. "They met and fell in love. Hope proposed, and then Lizzie found out she got cancer. Lizzie got pregnant and missed an appointment, and Hope thought that she was having an affair, so she kicked her out", she explained, causing me to send her a funny look. 

"What love stories do you watch", I asked, causing her to roll her eyes. 

" maybe it's more of a drama", she huffed.

"She didn't kick her out", I spoke up. "I did", I whispered as Josie's face fell. She opened her mouth to comment before a loud scream echoed around the room, causing us to jump.

"Hope, that's not funny", Lizzie breathed, glaring at the wolf on the bed. 

"I thought you paused it", I asked, trying to calm my beating heart.

"I thought I...", she said, picking up the remote as she pressed the button repeatedly.

"Are the batteries dead", I frowned. 

"I don't think so", she said.

"If you're not gonna change back, then at least scoot over", Lizzie complained, setting the camera down as she crawled into bed beside her.

I frowned, watching her get up from the seat to press eject, but the tape continued to play. "Just unplug it", I suggested before the TV went black.

"Got it", she grinned, holding up the cord before the TV came to life once more to show a black screen. 

"I thought you said you got it", I accused, getting to my feet.

"The cord is right here, Penelope", she pointed out.

"Maybe you just got the wrong-"

"Jo...", a voice came through the TV, causing us to freeze. 

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