Chapter 3

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Josie's POV: Cracking my eyes open, I winced as the light hit my eyes, causing me to close them once more with a small groan. Forcing them open once more, I squinted against the harsh lights as I looked around the room, frowning to myself as I noticed the dull, white walls instead of the usual yellow. Shutting my eyes once more, my head lolled to the side as a small whine left my lips. Hearing something off to my right, I opened my eyes, noticing a woman changing the drip as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "W-what...", I croaked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh, you're awake", she smiled kindly, checking my vitals. Turning away from my bed, she grabbed a plastic cup before filling it with water and handing it over. "Small sips", she instructed, as I reached out to grab the offered cup with my left arm only to flinch as pain shot through it. "Be careful. You're still healing", she warned gently, keeping her voice calm and quiet.

Frowning to myself, I looked down at myself, noticing the sling around my left arm and the IV in my right. Taking the water from her hand, I nodded thankfully before taking a sip, humming as it soothed my dry mouth. I attempted to drink more before nearly getting choked, causing me to cough up a mouthful of water as pain ripped through my body. Inhaling sharply, I cleared my throat, shaking my head tearfully as the woman took the cup from my hands.

"You okay, sweetie", she asked me in concern, causing me to nod wordlessly.

"W-what happened? Where's my mom", I asked, looking around the room once more.

"Honey, I need to to calm down. Can you do that", she asked. "You're in the hospital", she told me carefully. "You suffered a major gunshot wound to your stomach and left shoulder", she retorted. "You've been in and out of consciousness for the past two weeks", she explained, causing me to sit up in alarm, grimacing as I aggravated an injury.

"Two weeks? No, that can't...", I trailed off. "Where's my mom? Is she okay", I asked her worriedly, remembering the fear in her eyes vividly.

"Calm down, honey", she pleaded, gently pushing me back onto the bed. "What's your mother's name", she questioned.

"Caroline. Caroline Forbes", I supplied, causing her to nod as she left the room. Looking down at my arm once more, I couldn't help but think about the fight mom and I had earlier that night. Why isn't she here with me? Does she hate me for what I said? Is she at work? Maybe she just went to the airport to pick up Lizzie. Hearing the door open, I looked up hopefully as the woman entered the room with sympathetic eyes, causing my stomach to churn. "I'm sorry, honey", she said, shaking her head sadly.

"What? What happened", I questioned, blinking away my tears. " she hurt", I asked her shakily.

"Your mom suffered a gunshot wound to the head. She was likely gone before the paramedics arrived. I'm sorry", she informed as I felt my whole world tilt on it's axis.

Mom's dead?

No. No, she's lying. I just saw her a few seconds ago. She was perfectly fine.

It's impossible. She can't be dead.

Hearing the woman leave the room once more, I carefully lay back on the bed as I stared at the wall numbly. What am I supposed to do now? Should I call Lizzie? How do I even go about planning a funeral?

Maybe I can ask mo...

My shoulders tensed at the thought before I swallowed thickly. Looking across the room at the door, I almost expected mom to walk in at any second and ask if I was okay, to explain that this was all just a big mix up and that Lizzie was on her way.

But she didn't.

And she never would...

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