Chapter 30

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Josie's POV: I stared at the far wall quietly, trying to wrap my head around everything as Hope handed me a cup of tea, causing me to send her a thankful smile. Taking a sip, I hummed at the small hint of honey as I licked my lips. "This is really good", I complimented. "Did you make this", I asked, causing her to smile to herself as she sat on the couch across from me. 

"No, Lizzie used to make them for me every day after we got engaged, but after...", she trailed off. "After I got sick, everything just changed. Lizzie was...unable, and Penelope has been making them for me ever since, but it's never really tasted the same", she sighed sadly as I nodded in understanding. 

"Why was Lizzie unable", I frowned, taking another sip of my tea as Hope clenched her eyes shut painfully.

"Can we please not talk about this", she pleaded, causing me to sigh in irritation.

"Why not", I snapped. "Since the moment I stepped foot in this miserable town, no one has told me anything about what's happened-"

"Because you don't need to know", she threw back.

"She was my sister long before she became your wife", I exclaimed, causing her to set her untouched tea on the table. "Or finance or whatever", I said.

"That's not fair", she whispered, causing my expression to soften.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't...I shouldn't have snapped at you", I apologized, looking away from her guiltily. "I just hate being in the dark like this", I admitted quietly. 

"She was cheating on me", she spoke up, causing my eyes to quickly meet hers. "Penelope mostly cared for me when I was sick, but Lizzie was never around much", she told me honestly.

"That...that doesn't make any sense", I frowned. "Lizzie may not show it, but she's a very caring person, and, when someone she loves is in trouble or sick, she would never just abandon them", I explained. "Usually, when I got sick, I couldn't get Lizzie to leave my side", I told her. "What you're just doesn't make sense. That doesn't sound like anything my sister would ever do", I retorted. 

"Maybe you don't know you're sister as well as you thought", Hope shrugged, causing my eyes to narrow at the accusation. 

"Well, then what made you think that she was even cheating in the first place", I challenged, pushing my feelings to the side.

"Because she's done it before", Hope spat, causing my expression to fall. "A month after we got engaged, someone had asked me if I could check out an accident on Wickery bridge", she started, causing my breath to catch.

Dropping the cord, I slowly made my way into the bedroom cautiously before freezing as I spotted Lizzie waltzing around the room as she stuffed her things into a box. "What in hell...", Penelope muttered, walking up behind me.

The room looked almost different somehow.


"Liz...", I whispered, moving further into the room as I raised my hand shakily. "Lizzie", I called, reaching forward only for my hand to pass through her as I watched Lizzie pick up a familiar, blue box.

Opening the lid, she smiled to herself as a soft tune drifted out of the box.

The tune seemed almost sinister somehow, causing a shiver to travel down the length of my spine as she picked up a photo. Her smile seemed to sadden before loud ringing echoed around the room. "Hello", she answered.

"Is that all I get after a twenty-hour work shift", Hope's voice came through, causing her to roll my eyes fondly.

"Sorry. I was just going through some old stuff of mine, and...", she sighed. "It doesn't matter", she said. "When are you getting home? I miss you...and we really need to discuss the wedding plans", she reminded, causing her to giggle.

"Lizzie, I literally asked you to marry me last month. We have time", she laughed.

"Exactly! At this rate, we'll have nothing planned for the bachelorette party, and I am not letting Penelope plan that for us. She'll probably order stripper cops or something", Lizzie pointed out, causing me to glance over at Penelope to see her eyes watering.

"Damn right", Penelope chuckled, wiping at her eyes as I sent her a sympathetic look.

"I'm really sorry, Lizzie. I can't tonight", Hope admitted. "They're asking me to stay late. Something about a really bad wreck near Wickery Bridge", she explained apologetically.

"Fine. But don't think that this means that you're getting out of that dinner party next week. Your Aunt...Finard-"

"Freya", she corrected.

"Is expecting us, and I really need you to go dress shopping with me", Lizzie said.

"Again? I thought you liked the red one", she asked, causing her to bite my lip anxiously.

"I did, but I don't think that its...dinner material", she lied, causing the line to go quiet. "Please don't be mad", she pleaded.

"I'm not mad, Lizzie. I'm just tired", she said. "I'll take you shopping tomorrow, but you owe me", she responded before hanging up, causing me to wince slightly.

Yeah...maybe she's a little mad.

Sighing, she threw her phone onto the bed before stuffing the music box into her box before grabbing a marker and writing her name across the front.

"But it must have been some kind of prank or something, because there was nothing there...", Hope continued as a small ache started at the back of my skull.

"Hope, where are you? You said that you'll be back hours ago", Lizzie asked, walking out of the bathroom with the phone pressed to her ear. " me", she pleaded, hanging up the phone before the same tune drifted into the room as the phone rang once more. "Hope", Lizzie questioned, picking up the phone.

"Lizzie...something....something happened", Penelope's voice echoed.

"Well that's not creepy or anything", Penelope muttered beside me.

"What? What's wrong", Lizzie asked in concern.

"It''s Hope", she breathed before she quickly grabbed her jacket. "There was an accident", she said, before grabbing her jacket as the lights switched back on, returning the room to normal.

"What the fuck just happened", Penelope asked, looking around the room weirdly.

"I...have no idea", I frowned in confusion.

"Hey, are you okay", Hope asked in concern as I pressed a hand to my head. 

"Yeah, just a headache", I assured, putting my cup down on the table before the pounding in my head seemed to intensify, causing me to groan.

"Josie", Hope questioned as I got up from the couch only to stumble forward as the room seemed to tilt sideways. "Josie", she exclaimed as I felt myself hit the ground painfully. I gasped, staring up at the ceiling as black spots invaded my vision. "Josie", I heard Hope say faintly as she bent down beside me worriedly before everything faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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