Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot.

Josie's POV: Pulling into the driveway, I switched off my vehicle and grabbed my bag from the passenger seat before getting out of the car, cursing as the cold weather nearly stole my breath. I whined, missing the car's heater as I shut the door and started toward the front door. Sliding my key into the lock, I pushed it open with a relieved sigh before dumping my bag onto the floor.

Taking off my scarf, I laid it on the back off the couch before making my way toward the kitchen for a bottle of water only to pause in the doorway when I noticed my twin sister, Lizzie, throwing away what looked like...a rock.

What is that?

Frowning to myself, I shook my head and looked around the messy kitchen in confusion. "What happened in here", I questioned, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin.

"Jo", she exhaled, placing a hand over her chest. "W-what...", she trailed off, trying to catch her breath. "What are you doing here", she asked, causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"I live here. Remember", I pointed out, as her face flushed.

"Right", she muttered sheepishly. "I baked you a cake", she smiled, tilting her head to stare down into the trashcan. "Didn't turn out so well", she grumbled.

"That was a cake", I giggled, causing her to send me an offended look.

"It's not funny", she whined. "I spent all day working on that", she pouted.

"I thought it was a rock or something", I shrugged, throwing my hands up in surrender. Walking across the room, I pulled open the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before turning around and meeting her eyes. "Are you stress baking again", I asked her in concern.

"No. I just...", she sighed. "I was just trying to surprise you", she admitted.

"What's the occasion", I frowned, wondering if I somehow forgot something.

"I'm not allowed to cook for my favorite sibling", she frowned, looking offended.

"Not when I know you couldn't cook to save your life", I told her. "The neighbors called the fire department last month when you attempted to bake a batch of brownies", I reminded.

"I forgot they were in the oven", she huffed.

"And that time you started a grease fire trying to cook bacon", I asked, watching her nose scrunch up slightly. "Or how about the time you left your fork in the microwave", I challenged.

"Hey. That last one doesn't count", she said, causing me to roll my eyes halfheartedly.

"Thank you, Lizzie. I really appreciate that you went through all this trouble for me", I smiled, pulling her into a hug. "But no more surprises", I told her firmly, pulling away. "I really don't want to come home to the place on fire", I explained, causing her to roll her eyes as she smacked my arm playfully.

"Oh please. Fires are more your thing. Didn't you set mom's wedding dress on fire a few years ago", she teased, causing me to gasp.

"If I remember correctly, that was you", I reminded, causing her to throw her hands up with a small smile.

"Whatever you say", she laughed, causing me to huff. "Hey. What time is mom getting home", she asked, grabbing a cloth to wipe down the table as I took a sip of water.

"Um. I think she's supposed to be getting home around midnight", I supplied, screwing the cap back onto the bottle before grabbing the broom to sweep the flour off the floor as Lizzie's shoulder's dropped.

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