Chapter 22

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Eleven Months Earlier

Lizzie's POV: I walked around the room, muttering to myself as I grabbed another pillow and made my way back over to the bed. Lifting Hope up, I placed it behind her head as she watched me with a small frown. "A-anything else you need", I asked, looking her over as I swallowed thickly. "I can make you some of my calming tea that you like so much", I offered. "O-or maybe you need a shower", I suggested.

"Lizzie, I'm fine", she said, placing a hand on my shoulder as I quickly pulled away from her as if I've been burned. 

"No. You need more blankets. You could get cold", I said, turning to grab extra blankets before she grabbed my hand. I breathed shakily as I looked down at her hand tearfully. 

"Grandma! Grandma", I shouted, running through the house. "Look what Josie made me", I announced, holding up the drawing of a cat. 

Running over to the bed, I handed her the paper as she looked it over with a tired smile. "It's beautiful", she grinned down at me as my eyes searched hers.

"Grandma Liz, are you sick", I asked silently. "I heard mama talking on the phone yesterday. She said you had something called a rancher", I said.

"It's cancer, sweetie", she corrected softly. "And I'll be fine. I'm sure this thing will blow over soon", she smiled as she took my hand in hers. 

A tear fell down my face as she pulled me down beside her. "The only thing I need, is for you to be by my side", she smiled as I wrapped my hand around her waist tearfully. 

I don't know how long we both lay there before we fell asleep, but the next thing I knew, I had a foot shoved into my stomach. Sitting up, I quickly turned on the lamp as Hope rolled over in bed. "Hope", I yawned, shaking her shoulders tiredly. "Hope, wake up", I muttered, pausing when the lamp beside me started blinking. 

Oh hell no!

"Hope", I exclaimed, causing her eyes to shoot open with a loud gasp. I frowned at the sight of tears on her face as I pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, it's okay", I whispered as she slowly relaxed. 

"What happened", she asked.

"I don't know. One minute, I'm sleeping peacefully, and the next thing I know, I'm being attacked by a hostile foot", I glared at her teasingly, causing her to smile sheepishly as she bumped my shoulders."That's the third time this week that you tried attacking me in your sleep. Should I make you sleep outside, or carry a weapon to bed", I joked, causing her to wiggle my eyebrows.

"A weapon? Kinky", she giggled, causing me to roll her eyes.

"It's all fun and games until my lamp starts flickering like something off of a horror movie", I pouted, causing her to laugh softly before we heard hurried footsteps coming down the hall.

"What the f...", Hope got out before the door sprung open, causing me to jump back, gripping onto Hope's arm with a loud scream as Penelope looked between us breathlessly.

"Is everything okay", she asked us worriedly.

"Penelope! What the hell", Hope shouted, clutching her chest as I slumped over in relief. 

"What are you? A fucking ghost", I glared. "You don't just break into people's houses", I seethed, trying to get my breathing under control as she looked between us in amusement. 

"I told you that I was staying over. Remember", she asked as Hope let out a breath.

"Just knock next time", she warned, causing her to snicker. 

"Aye aye, captain", she joked, walking out the door.

"Does she really have to stay over here right now", I asked Hope in annoyance. "I've been taking care of you perfectly fine", I said as she leaned her head against my shoulder. 

"As much as it pains me to say, she has been helping out a lot", she admitted before giving me a small smile. "Besides, I think it's cute when you both takes shifts taking care of me", she said as I rolled my eyes. "And I got my two favorite people under the same roof", she joked.

"Well, as long as you don't go marrying her as well, I guess she can stay over", I sighed as she pulled me into a kiss as I immediately wrapped my arms around her.

"Now, that I can promise", she smiled, pulling away as a loving smile spread across my face.



Josie's POV: I sat next to Penelope as my eyes traced over the tribrid's face, waiting for her to wake up before my eyes drifted down to the wedding ring hung around her necklace with my sister's name engraved in the middle. 

My life didn't start until I met you-Lizzie

"That was her wedding ring", Penelope spoke up. "She was so worried that Lizzie would somehow reject her", she explained. "She had this perfect date set up for the engagement. Even went as far as coming up with this whole speech", she chuckled under her breath as I looked over at her curiously.

"What happened", I asked as she smiled to herself.

"She never went through with it", she told me.

"Why", I frowned.

"I guess...I guess she just asked when she felt as if the time was right", she shrugged.

We both looked up as Hope shifted in bed. "Lizzie", she muttered as Penelope quickly took her hand. "Liz...", she croaked, opening her eyes as she looked around the room.

"Hope", I whispered before her eyes locked with mine.

"Hey", she smiled as I felt Penelope relax beside me.

"Hey, you had us worried for a second there. Are you alright", Penelope asked with a small, relieved smile.

"How can I not be when my two favorite people are here with me", she asked, causing Penelope's smile slowly drop.

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