Chapter 15

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-Hailey's POV-
When It was morning, I went down for breakfast and saw my mom. she looked worse than me. her makeup all over her face, her hair tangle in a mess, and her eyes red. without saying anything I came behind her and have her a hug. "Hey, how'd you sleep?" She asked.
"Didn't sleep at all" I answered.
"Same here girly" she said.

We sat down and ate some cereal quietly. the entire house was silent until I brought up a question.
"Do you think I should go on that tour?".
She looked up at me and thought about it.
"I mean, it's your choice. I'd go for it, since it's a opportunity you might not get again. besides, I'll be ok if you go" she said.
I looked closely at her. trying to see if what she said was true 'that she'll be ok if I go'. She shook her head a yes and continued to eat her cereal. I excused myself to go upstairs.

That's where I straightened my hair and chose what to wear. I wore a mint colored sweater and some light wash jeans along with my vans. I only did mascara and eyeliner for makeup. I looked at my hair and thought what it would look like if it was back to my real brown color. I made the choice to go and dye my hair brown. I took my moms car and drove.

-later at salon-
"Could I get my hair dyed back to brown?" I asked the lady.
"Of course" she smiled and walked me over to a chair. I sat down as she applied the dye in my hair. After waiting, she washed my hair then dried it for me. after looking in the mirror I smiled at my new hair color. I got back to my moms car and drove it home. when my mom saw me she said "you look like your younger".
"What's that supposed to mean?!" I joked. she laughed lightly and invited me to come watch a movie with her.

We sat on the couch and started scrolling through Netflix. we stopped on The Walking Dead and played an episode. While it was staring up I got some snacks, pretzels and Nutella should be good enough.

We watched episode 1 of season 4. Mom would inch closer every time she would see a zombie in any episode. I found it sorta funny. we kept watching episodes until it was late afternoon. we stopped watching tv and went to go to the store.

-at store-
When we got inside we saw somebody that I didn't want to see. It was Matthew, he didn't notice us come inside. He was looking at penny boards while holding a drink.

You and Me  • M.E fanfic •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora