Chapter 3

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-Hailey's POV-
After waiting for him I heard my doorbell ring so I walked over to the door and when I opened it I saw Matthew. He wore a hoodie with khakis and vans. We weren't going anywhere special so I liked that we both dressed casual. He had his hand behind his back as if he was holding something. I tried to look but he stepped back. "what is it?" I asked. "oh I, well, I thought you might like this" he said handing me a flower. "Aw thanks" I said holding it. "ready to go?" He asked me. I nodded and walked with him to the car.
-Matts POV-
I'm normally never nervous in front of girls. But she wasn't like others to me and made me feel different. I'm looking forward to spending time with her. We were in the car talking. "so tell me about yourself" I said. "we'll I recently moved here and uh, I don't have any siblings" she answered. "wanna listen to music?" I asked. she nodded and I asked "what music do you listen to?". "Whatever plays on the radio" she said. I played a radio station I usually listened to. We started listening to Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande. "I love her!" She yelled. I laughed at her and drove in to Taco Bell.
-inside Taco Bell-
We have already got our food and were sitting next to each other. "so does this beat what you do after school normally?" I asked her. "Yea but that's because I don't do much when I get home" she said. "Oh how come?" I asked. She then explained how her parents work late and leave her home alone. "We should go out more then" I said. "You don't have to spend time with me just because I'm left home alone" she replied. "It's not because of that Hailey, I like being around you" I said and smiled.
-Hailey's POV-
I can't believe he likes being around me. I feel like he actually cares. "So how about we just text each other and see?" I asked. "sounds good" he said. when we finished our food I went on that vine app. Appearently I already had 98 followers. I wanted to make another one so I turned Matt to me and started recording. "say hi Matt" I told him as he looked at my phone. "hi" he said and waved as it ended. I wrote: with him❤️ Then I posted it and saw as Matt looked over to me. "what app is that?" He asked. "It's called vine and all you do is make 6 second videos" I told him. I watched as he got the app and then made a video too. "Hailey look" he said. As I turned my head he recorded himself giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Really Matt?" I asked as he laughed and smiled at me while writing: babe❤️. I watched as he posted it and smiled. "did you really?" I said and blushed. "aww don't act like you didn't like it!" He said while winking at me. I blushed even harder at what he said. he just laughed as we were leaving.
-Matts POV-
I drove Hailey home and dropped her off. when I did I watched as she walked up to her front door and opened it. she looked back at me and waved. I thought that was cute of her. "I love her" I said quietly. I smiled to myself when I realized it. "I actually said it" I said again to myself. I then drove home.
-Haileys POV-
"Where have you been?!" My dad asked me. "oh, uh, hanging out with friends" I lied. "I saw a boy drop you off" he said. "ok fine, he's a friend from school" I said confessing. "no funny business between you two, you hear me?" He said sternly. I nodded and headed up to my room quietly. I laid on my bed and replayed it when he kissed my cheek. the image repeated over and over and made me smile widely. I realized something. "I think I love him" I told myself. Could he actually like me? What if he's just playing me though? I have major trust issues when it comes to this. Later on
I found the flower he gave me earlier and was holding it. I also found a little vase so I could keep it by my bed. Afterwards I took a shower and put on my pajamas. When I was ready to go to sleep I just laid in my bed thinking wheres this is all going. I felt as my eyes closed to finally sleep.

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