Chapter 7

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-Hailey's POV-
She was nice enough to help me to go out on that date. the plan is to have mom take dad out, that way Matt can take me out. we also need to her back home before them too. My mom walked up the stairs as I just sat on them. I then over heard the conversation. "hey honey" mom said to him. "hey did you need something?" He asked her. "I just came to see if maybe you'd like to go out tonight?" She asked slowly. "to where and why?" He asked suspiciously. "I feel bad for yelling at each other and maybe we can just talk it out over dinner" she said. "I do too, it actually would be nice to get out of the house for awhile" he said. They agreed and I heard footsteps coming back to the stairs. I saw my mom come down the stairs with dad behind her. I acted like I wasn't listening and stood up then went to the couch. I watched as then talked more about where they planned to go and what time. I wish Matt would tell me where he's taking me but it's a surprise so I'll keep it that way I guess. while they got ready to leave I texted Matt.

-Matts POV-
I was currently at Walmart with Nash just messing with stuff. Nash made a vine of me while I dove into this ball pit thing and when I posted it, I saw I had a ton of followers already. Nash did too but he made way more videos than me. I then got a text from Hailey.
Hailey- hey I got my parents to go on a date tonight.
Matt- awesome I'll pick you up after they leave.
Hailey- ok I'll start getting ready cya.
Nash was walking by my side and looked over and I read her last text. "so you asked her out again?" He said. "she's my girlfriend now" I told him. "Your telling me this now" he said. I just shrugged my shoulders as we left to his car.
He dropped me off at home and my mom greeted me like usual except this time she gave me a letter. "At least it's not from school" I said and chuckled. she raised her eyebrows at me and the smile was wiped off my face. "Um, n-not that there's anything to worry about" I said shaking my head. Once I opened the letter I saw it was from Magcon and read it out loud. It was inviting me to go on a tour with anybody of my choice. "mom, looks like I'm going on this tour" I told her. "who do you plan on taking" She asked. "you'll meet her before we leave" I said to her. "can't wait" she said smiling.

-Hailey's POV-
I was almost done getting ready for the date. I chose to wear a cream color dress that ended at my knees and had a thin black belt across the torso. I paired it with black high heels and clutch. I curled my hair and for makeup I did the smokey eye look with some peach color lipstick. when I was done I took a look in the mirror and smiled to myself. tonight was gonna be perfect. I heard as my parents called my name. I walked to my door and opened it. "what is it?" I called out. "we are leaving to go out for dinner, love you" I heard my mom yell. "love you too!" I yelled back to her and heard as the door closed. I then got a text from Matt saying he was on his way to pick me up. When he came, he rang the doorbell and I ran to open it.

-Matts POV-
Before I picked Hailey up for our date I had to get her something. I decided to buy her a silver necklace with her name on it. when I bought it, I left to her house. When the door opened it revealed her. she looked beautiful in what she chose to wear. we smiled at each other and walked to my car. I opened the door and let her sit down inside while I walked to the other side. "you look very nice" she complemented me. "But you look way more better" I told her. I smiled as her face turned a little pink. "its so cute when you blush" I said to purposely make her do it more.

-later in the restaurant-
"Ok so, I actually have some news" I told her. she looked up from her food and let me begin. "I got invited to a tour" I said then paused for her reaction. "w-what?" She said a little surprised. "and I get to bring somebody along" I said then smiled at her. "Really?" She asked and I nodded. "We leave in a few days" I said then added "my parents just need to meet you". She agreed then said "my parents need to meet you too". I felt myself become worried. "yea I remember your dad..." I said. "it's ok Matt I wouldn't let him get to you, also my mom will look out for you too because she's really caring" she reassured me. "ok then It's settled we will meet each others parents sometime over the week." I said. we left the restaurant to go for a walk and it was the perfect time to give her the necklace I got her.

-Hailey's POV-
"Hey I got you something" Matt told me as he walked behind me. I then felt a necklace around my neck as Matt connected the ends together. I looked down at it and read my name. "Matt it's beautiful" I said and kissed him. "tonight was perfect for me" he said as his arm was placed around my waist. we made our way back to his car and soon got to my house. we kissed once more before I got out to go inside. I walked up to the door and waved to him before I walked in. Then I changed into comfy clothes and made my hair into a messy bun. I sat on the couch wrapped in a blanket while I waited for mom and dad to come home. when they did I went up to them and said "guys, I just want to let you know that Matt will be having dinner with us". my dad glared at me when I said his name and I couldn't stand it. "dad, you have to get to know him, and accept the fact t-that, we are dating" I said. His face had no expression after that. "ok look, I know I'm never like this, it's just, your my little girl and I don't want you to grow up so fast, I want you to stay my little girl" he said. "aww dad, I'll always be your little girl" I said hugging him. "I'm sorry" he said to me.

-Matts POV-
When I got home I found my mom and dad watching a movie. "hey mom, Hailey agreed to dinner" I said sitting on the couch. "that's great" she said.

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