Chapter 41

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Its been forever, yea,  I know. blame school. i've actually been trying to find out what to do in this part and I feel like i need to start doing this as often as i can. i'm trying.

*A couple days later*

-Hailey's POV-

I haven't heard from Mom in a while, she never seemed to call but she would always have time to text me while at work. Dad on the other hand, i was glad that he didn't talk or text me as much. He had seemed to give up on ruining my life away from home and making me worry. Mom said he had left her alone as well and vanished out of our lives. Maybe it was true, he finally left us alone. Just to make sure that we were safe back home, she hired somebody to watch over us and be able to handle it when something went wrong.

His name is Daniel and he has been the one to check up on me with phone calls and messages. Its sweet of him to care for us like this but i know its his job to do it. I never really knew what he looked like though since he was back home and not here with us. He is always calling me and saying that my Mom wishes i was home. That got me thinking of what I miss doing at home.

Matthew knew about Daniel as well since he'd always ask "who's calling you?" or "who is that guy?"

Matthew sat down next to me and looked at my phone. "who are you texting?" he asked for the hundredth time by now.

"Matt, its Daniel. The guy meant to check up on me"

"oh yea. Your bodyguard" he joked.

In a way he was like a bodyguard so i see why he would say that.

"Matt? Can i ask you something?"

"You just did" he replied.

"How do you feel about me going back home?" 

Matt's face went dead for a second.

"and why would you do that?" he asked.

"I'm crazy homesick, i need to go see my mom. i just want to see her and hug her and be there for her"

I heard a sigh from Matthew.

"well you should know that I can't come with you. I'm kept busy here and theres so much left to do, so many places to check out and people to meet. I can't just leave everything to go home to my family like you are, but if thats what you want to do then I guess i'll see you when you get back" he explained.

"Matt i'm not leaving EVERYTHING just to go home and why not? maybe a day or two to visit your family would be nice" 

"I just can't Hailey. You can go ahead and leave me all by myself here since thats what you want. Since your family is more important" he rolled his eyes at me.

"your not trying to make me pick between you and my family, are you?! after everything that has happened, your just adding more to the drama and stress i am going through Matt!" 

I could feel my heart beat quickening like it was gonna leap out of me.

"I never said I was" he corrected me.

"you sure made it sound that way" I crossed my arms.

"shouldn't you be getting ready to leave?" matt said then got up and left me alone.

What had gotten into him? 


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