Chapter 37

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I'm super late asking, but how did you feel about the bring back magcon thing?

-Hailey's POV-
The next morning:
My phones alarm went off. I opened my eyes and stretched out to stop it, then to check the time.

When I turned to my other side I saw Matt still sleeping, not bothered by my phones alarm. He looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake him up. I sat up in bed realizing my clothes were all over the floor.

That's when I slipped out of bed and found a robe to wear in the bathroom. While looking at myself in the mirror, last night with Matthew replayed in my mind. I stared at my tangled hair and the black smudge left under my eyes from the makeup I wore. I was a mess.

I quickly fixed all of that up and brushed my teeth. I walked out to find the clothes I was gonna wear then headed back to get changed.

I decided on high waisted shorts and a black loose shirt that fell off my right shoulder.

When I was done, Matt was still sleeping. I was gonna try to prank him but he was obviously tired from the other day so I let him sleep.

Most of the guys were still sleeping too. They must of came back later than they expected. I figured that I would go and eat something.

I called an uber while making my way down to the lobby.
Within a few minutes he was here to pick me up. He was nice and was glad to take me anywhere I needed to go. He drove me to the nearest Taco Bell.

I bought two of what I got because I thought I'd get something for Matt.

On my way back I was checking snapchat and I saw that Nash took a selfie with Matt sleeping.

I shook my head and laughed to myself. Just as I was heading up to our hotel room I got a call. I checked the screen and it said 'mom'.

I answered and spoke in a happy tone.

"Hi mom!"

"Hey sweetheart" a deep voice answered back.

I paused in my tracks shocked.

"Uh-uhm....who is this?" I asked a little worried.

"It's dad"
He simply stated.

"I thought you left" I placed my hand on my side and waited for him to talk.

"Well I'm back. Oh and I'm here with mom"

"Let me talk to her!" I demanded.

"Hailey?" She sniffled. She sounded like she was sick or was crying.

"Mom! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I asked shaking.

She didn't answer. I pulled the phone away and saw the call was ended.

I quickly dialed and called back but no answer.

"Guys!!" I ran into the room.

They jumped then stood up and came over to where I was.

"What happened Hailey?" Matt asked frantically looking me up and down, checking if I was hurt.

"My dad came back after he left me and my mom. He called me and I heard my mom sniffling. I asked her if she was okay but he must've hung up. I don't know if she's ok or if he hurt her" I said quickly.

"What do I do?!" I begged for help.

"Just calm down. I'm sure she's ok. Why don't we call the cops?" Nash suggested.

I dialed 911 and told the lady all the information she asked for.
"The cops are on their way over, don't worry"

I took a deep breath and calmed down knowing it will be fine. Why wouldn't it be?
Do you think it will be fine? What do you think will happen?

You and Me  • M.E fanfic •Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora