Chapter 25

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-Matts POV-
My face felt hot and I tried to hide it. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Hailey there.

"Were you staring?" she asked laughing. I nodded and laughed too. "your such a freak!" She pushed my shoulder lightly.

"Look out" I heard a voice yell. Before I could do anything a water balloon hit me. I turned around to see Nash and Cameron with water balloons in hand. "Sorry Matthew" Cameron said coming to us with Nash following.

"Wanna join us?" They asked.
"Sure, see you later Hailey" I followed the guys while she went off to find her friends.

-Hailey's POV-
I walked around looking for Maggie and Mahogany. I sung a song that was stuck in my head while walking- little do you know- Alex & Sierra.
"I'm ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight"

"I love that song" a voice told me. I saw a tall boy with brown hair and eyes approach me. "I'm shawn" he smiled. "Im Hailey" I smiled back.

"So I heard you singing. Are you a singer or do you just randomly sing lyrics?" He asked walking with me.

"Oh, It was stuck in my head so I guess I just sing randomly" I shrugged.
"Your amazing though! You should consider singing on stage".

"Hailey where have you been? We've been looking for you" Maggie said out of nowhere.

"I've been looking for you guys" I sighed. "We'll come on then!" She said.

"Ok, I gotta go shawn, nice meeting you" I smiled and walked away.

I walked with Maggie on our way to Mahogany. "Can we start having fun now?" I asked.
"Once we find Mahogany. We should go on that tall ride over there." she pointed out a blue and yellow tube- like ride. I agreed to go on their with them.

*later at ride*
We stood at the front of the line, next for the ride. We had climbed up stairs just to get up here and wait, now finally we are riding. when we got in the tube it wasn't that bad. Cold water splashed us making us scream and laugh. When it was over, they were excited to go ride some roller coasters, not me though. I had a fear of riding them.

We found this crazy roller coaster that we saw the guys go over to. we decided to go on with them. I wasn't ready to do this bit everyone else was and I didn't want to chicken out like a baby.

"I didn't know you rode roller coasters" Matt said to me. I shook my head no "I don't"

"You don't have to Hailey" he assured me. "I don't wanna be a baby" I nervously tapped my foot. When we were boarding the ride, Matt took my hand and led me to the seats.

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