/Chapter 16/

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//Amy p.o.v//

Luke was over at mine. Again I know. But I love his company, he's an amazing person to just be around with.
"Stop it Luke!" He was currently tickling my feet as they where spread across his thin thighs.
"Only if you saaaay...... Luke is the sexiest man alive" he laughed.
I glared at him and refused.
"Fine I'll just keep tickling you then..."
"No! Okay okay Luke is the sexiest man alive!" I screamed.
"Why thank you, I didn't think you cared" he joked.
"Shut up!" I laughed "I'm gonna go get some water " I say getting up.
"Why won't you eat something Amy?" He asked
"I'm not hungry"
"Please can you eat something? For me...."
I shook my head no as I took some water.
"Amy please, I don't want you to end up fainting" he pouted.
"Luke, I'm not hungry" I told him again.
"I'm gonna make you eat something..." he said.
He went into the fridge and got out fruit and other foods that where in the fridge. He then went to the pantry an got out popcorn, Oreos and other snacks. He dumped them all on the table and opened up the Oreos and took a bite from it.
"Mmmmm these are soooo goooood!!! " He said stretching out his words.
I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Come on babe, eat" he put out the Oreo for me to take. I looked at it for a while before sighing and taking a bite from it.
"She eats!" He shrieks raising up his hands, I just stand there laughing.
"It's actually not that bad you know" I say eating the last part of the biscuit.
"Do you want another one?" Luke asks putting the little box in my face.
"Thank you" I say taking the last couple.
"Well done" Luke smiles giving me a kiss on the cheek and then going to put the packet of Oreos in the bin.

"No way!" He shouts.
"When were you gonna tell me?" He questions which gets me worried.
"T...tell you w...what?"
"That you have a freaking pool!" He practically screams.
"Oh, yeah, I do" I say munching the Oreos.
"Oh, yeah, I do" he mimics "come on let's go swimming.
"Urghh, not today, at the weekend, plus if you swim after eating you get cramps"
I complain.
"Pleeeeeeeeeease" he begs.
"You don't have trunks" I argue
"I'll go in my boxers" he argues back
He pouts his bottom lip.
"You can come back over the weekend okay? I promise" I take a bag of crisps and go through to the living room.

Boy it felt good to eat again.

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