/Chapter 17/

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//Amy p.o.v//

I was sleeping peacefully, enjoying my Saturday morning lie in. I could hear the birds outside and the sun was brisk-fully peering through my window. I turned around and fluttered my eyes open, had a little stretch and fell asleep again.

About 10 minutes later, my lovely Saturday morning was ruined.

"Get up Amy!" Luke shouted banging my door against the wall as he opened it "it's time to go.... Swimming!"
"Urghhhhhh! Go away Luke!" I groaned putting my face in the pillow.
"Nope! I brought my trunks, so we can go swim!" He screamed again.
"Luke, it's like 8 o'clock in the morning! Go back home and come back at twelveish." I told him.
"Okay" he agreed, wow that was easy.

Two minutes later.
"Get up Amy it's time to go swimming!" He shouted again.
"What?! You said to come back at about twelveish, and it's 12:09" he explained.
I took my head away from the pillow and glared at him.
"Meet me downstairs in 15 minutes okay?" He kissed me on the cheek and ,walked towards the door.
"I fucking hate you Hemmings!"
"Love you too Brittany!" He yelled from outside the door.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes and went to my drawers. I opened one up to reveal my bathing suits, bikinis and swimming costumes.
I picked out my light blue costume with ruffle parts at the top.
I stuck the costume on and put on black leggings on the bottom, I stuck on my black zipper and put my hair in a messy bun, took my phone and headed downstairs.

"Halow!" Luke yells.
I slap him on the arm and went to get a bowl and cereal.
"Where's my mum?" I asked as I pour the cereal into the bowl.
"She said she had some errands to do"
I nod as I close the cap to the milk and take a spoonful of cereal.
"You know it's lunchtime right?" Luke states.
"Your point is....?" I joke.
"You should be eating a sandwich or something....."
I just looked at him and continued eating my cereal.

"Okay, so which ones should I wear? The blue, black or yellow?" Luke asks taking three sets of trunks from the bag he brought.
"The yellow ones are no" I state out laughing "hmmm......the black ones"
"Right I'm gonna change upstairs"
I nod as he walks upstairs.
I then go to rinse my bowl and then put it in the dishwasher. Then the doorbell goes.
"Coming!" I shout from the kitchen "two seconds!"
I run up to the door, completely forgetting how ratchet I look, but, whatever.

I opened the door to reveal a tallish, Asian looking but cute boy, with dark hair. He wore black skinny jeans, a black tank top with holes in it and a pair of all black converse.
"Calum? What are you doing here?" I ask him kinda scared.
"Ermm... I just wanted to apologise for what I did ....I've been such a dick... and erm you didn't deserve it.... you don't have to forgive me, but I just wanted to say sorry" he apologised, and then he handed me a bunch of tulips.
"Wow, these are gorgeous, and thanks" I smile not feeling so scared anymore.
He nods awkwardly before turning to walk away.
"Calum?!" I shout before he walks away "do you wanna come in, we're about to go swimming?"
"Yeah me and Luke, he's got some spare trunks if you want?"
"Are you sure..?"
"Yeah, sure" I smile stepping aside for him to come in.
"I'm just gonna go get Luke, help yourself to any food in the pantry if you want" I tell him putting the flowers in the sink and running upstairs.

"Luke?" I say knocking on the door before walking in. I walk in on him putting his clothes in his bag. Boy was he fit. His trunks fit around his waistline perfectly, and I could just about see his v-line. I stood there staring for a while before he noticed me staring.
"You like?" He laughs.
"Sorry, I just--"
"It's okay, what's up?"
"Oh, Calum's here and I invited him to swim with us and he needs trunks" I tell him.
"Calum" he raises his eye brows "are..are you okay with that?"
"Oh, yeah I mean it's in the past so it's cool, anyway he needs trunks"
"Oh, yeah sure" he nods, throwing me the blue trunks.
"Thanks" I say running down the stairs to see Calum by the island eating popcorn and looking at the pictures on my fridge.
"Here you go" I throw the trunks over.
"Thanks, can I use you bathroom to go change?" He asks.
"Yeah, the second door on the right upstairs"
He smiles and walks upstairs. Then Luke walks in.
"I really wanna go for a swim, can we go now? Pleeeeeeeease" he begs.
"No, wait for Calum we don't wanna be rude" I say putting the popcorn back in the pantry. Then the doorbell goes again.
"Urghhh. Coming!" I shout patting Luke's cheek as I walk away to answer the door.
"Oh, hey Lauren what you doing here?" I smile giving her a hug.
"I got bored and wanted company, can I come in?" She asks practically in my house anyway.
"Oh, Lauren ,Luke and Calum are here" I tell her pouting my lips and rubbing the back of my ear.
"W..what?!" She practically yells
"Shhh.....!" I shut her up. Now I don't know if she's shocked or happy because she has had a crush on Calum for just over two years now, but has never had the urge to him.
"Okay, well you can borrow one of my costumes cos we're going swimming, okay?" I smirk nudging her.
"Pffft what'd you mean?" She asks rubbing her neck.
"I know you like Ca--" I was cut off by footsteps and I turned around to see Calum in the dark blue shorts.
"Hi Calum" Lauren greets her voice high pitched. She always spoke like that when she was nervous.
"Hi Lauren" he smiles, and this is when it gets awkward. Them two just staring into each others eyes and me just standing there awkwardly.
"O. Kaay Lauren, swimming costume?" I say breaking the silence.
"Oh yeah right!" She replies
"Calum, Luke's in there we'll be down in ten" I then drag Lauren up the stairs to get changed.

"Luke! Stop it, I don't want to get my hair wet!" I cried.
"Looks like you are now! " Lauren screams tipping loads if water over me with the help of Calum. I swear they two are so cute together.
"Arghhh I'm gonna get you for that! " I screamed splashing water on all if them, and they simply did it back.
"Hey three against one is not fair!" I said crossing my arms over my chest.
"Aww I'm sorry babe" Luke pouts giving me a hug.
"Right let's have a competition, two on two, us V you, me and Luke V you and Calum" I say squinting my eyes to look intimidating.
"Oh it's on!" Calum screams
"Let's do this!" Lauren shouts getting onto Calum's shoulders and I do the same on Luke.
"Ready....? " I say "Charge!" And we end up having a massive fight in the pool.

It was so much fun.


"Here you go" I say handing Luke and Calum towels a they go downstairs leaving me and Lauren.
"Soo...." I smirk nudging her gently.
"What....?" She blushes.
"You so like him it's so obvious!" I shout "I bet he likes you back too!"
"Shhh shut up!" She shushes me
"I bet you, you two will be all over each other by the end of the night" I tell her.
"No we won't" she denies.
"Yes, you will, and you guys are all staying over so I will witness it" I smirk as we walk downstairs. They will be together tonight. I'm sure of it.

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