/Chapter 28/

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//Amy p.o.v//

Rebecca has just been buried, it was a really, really emotional moment, for everyone. Everyone was getting into their cars ready to go back to the Thomas' house for the wake.
I wanted some time alone with her for a bit before leaving though. I walked to her tombstone and stared at it for a while. it was a black arch shape with the details engraved on it. In front of it in the floor in flowers was her name. Bulbs were planted in to grow over the spring, little daffodils her favourite flower.
I knelt down next to her.

"Hey Beccs, I really don't know what to say..." I sniffled "I... I don't want you to leave... I just want one last hug from you... I want my Rebecca back..." I was crying at this point stumbling my words " I really miss you.. we all do... I just want you to know that we'll always love you.. and... just.... I love you Rebecca" I got up from the ground rubbing my knees, and then kissed the tombstone.

"We'll meet again angel" I smiled to myself before walking away.

"You okay?" Luke asks as I get into the car next to him.

"Yeah" I nod and he wipes away my tears.

"I love you" he smiles.

"I love you too" I smile back giving him a kiss and we make the journey to the Thomas'.

We got to the house, it was already full with people inside. When we opened the door to the house, there were people everywhere. It felt weird being in her house without her. Every time I came here she was always here, and now, she's not. I looked around the house and there were pictures of her everywhere. I turned around she was there, it was making me paranoid.

"Luke, I can't, I can't, I need to go home" I say running towards the door back towards the car.

"Amy wait!" Luke calls.

"I'm seeing her everywhere, I can't go anywhere without seeing her here Luke, I can't deal with this..." I explain while Luke pulls me into a hug and strokes my hair.

"Shhh Amy it's okay... it'll get better babe... it'll get better...."

//Luke p.o.v//

Amy is in pieces right now, my heart goes out to her. Losing your best friend is really tough, I can't imagine how she's feeling right now. I'm trying my best to calm her down but truth is, I don't know what to do.
I drove her back home since I couldn't stand seeing her so upset over there.
Once we get in I run her a warm bath and some new pajamas to wear for when she comes out. While she was in the bath I made us some hot coco and biscuits and some movies to watch.
Once she was out she got changed into her pajamas and came and lay next to me on the bed.

"Thanks" she smiles as she takes the mug of hot chocolate. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

"Thanks for today, Luke, it's been a really tough day and you've helped me every step of the way" she told me, taking a sip of her drink,which made me smile.

"No problem, anything for you babe" I tell her. She takes another sip of her drink but spits it back up again, and runs to the bathroom. I run after her and see her throwing up over the toilet pan.

"Oh my god!" I say coming up and bringing her hair up from her face, and rubbing her back "is that better..?"
She just nods and rests her head on her arm.

"What's up?"

"I don't know, it's been happening for quite a while now" she explains taking a paper towel and cleaning her mouth.

"Shit!" I mutter.

"What?" She asks furrowing her eye brows.

"You don't think...? No... you don't think your... you know ... pregnant?"

"Shit!" She cusses, putting her head back in her arm " I have to take a test... shit I'm 17, Luke"
She gets up shaking her head and walks into her room, she then comes back through with a pregnancy test .

"Where did you get that from?" I question pointing at it.

"Never mind that, now get out while I pee" she motions for me to get out and closes the door. I sit down on her bed my knee bobbing up and down uncontrollably. I then hear the toilet flush and the door unlock, the door slowly opens to reveal Amy washing her hands.

"What does it say?"

"I don't know, yet..." She replies drying her hands.
Two minutes have gone, and it's time to find out if I'm gonna be a dad.
She takes the test from the bathroom and comes in looking down at it.

"Well...?" I ask

"I'm not pregnant" she sighs quite upset, and then throws the test in the bin "why is everything I have getting taking away from me, first my dad, Rebecca now this" she cries.

"Hey, don't be like that" I go up to her and hug her "I'm still here aren't I? I'm not leaving okay?" She nods and I kiss her head.

"Come on, let's go order a pizza, I'm starving"
She laughs and we go down to get the order in.

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