/Chapter 23/

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Okay so I never got 5 votes😟, but here's the chapter a little late anyway 😊

//Amy p.o.v//

"W..what" I chocked trying to hold back my tears.

"I've got cancer... cervical cancer. I've had it for a while, it's just been found too late, and... " she paused looking up at me.

"And what?" I asked feeling a tear fall from my eye.

"I'm gonna die " she got her bag, took her bit of paper from me and walked off.
I just stood there and sat down on the bench. She can't, no it's not possible, Rebecca is a strong person, she's gonna fight through this. I can't loose her.

I sat there for a while just thinking, before I realised I had to go back to the others.
I walked back through to the cafeteria to the table I was previously sitting at. They were all smiling, laughing being happy.

"How could you be happy at a time like this?!" I screamed and the whole hall went silent.

"Amy what do you mean" Lauren asked.

"We could loose her and your acting like it's okay" I shouted again.

"Amy babe what's wrong?" Luke asked getting up.

"She's gonna die!" I shouted, everyone was staring at the scene I caused for no reason.

"Amy, come here" Luke said pulling me in for a hug " nothing to see guys, mind your own business" he said as I buried my head into his chest. I heard peoples murmurs as I cried.

"Could you guys grab our stuff, I'll get you guys out there" I heard Luke say, before we walked out into the hall where it was much quieter.

"Amy what's wrong" he asked me.
I sniffled and looked up to him.

"She's dying..." I whispered, loud enough for him to hear me.

"... Who..."

"Rebecca... she's got cancer... and she's gonna die Luke!" I said breaking down into tears again.

"Shhh it's okay" he shushed bringing my into a hug again.

"It's not okay, I don't want to loose her.... I can't loose her" I cried whispering the last part "I can't loose her...."


"I don't understand why she wouldn't tell us sooner" I whispered. I was lying across Luke's thighs as he stroked my hair. We were sitting in the staff room, the teacher let us out because I told our guidance teacher about Rebecca.

"She was maybe scared..." he answered.

"I just... I don't understand..." I stuttered "I don't understand, we're her best friends"

"If you had cancer, would you have told Lauren and Rebecca straight away, would you have to me straight away" he stated.

"I guess..." I said sitting up "thanks Luke, I must be a right handful when I'm upset"

"It's okay babe, I understand" he smiled, then gave me a warm hug.

"Can you take me home?" I mumbled

"Yeah, of course. Come on" he put his hand out for me to take, he took our bags and we left. We notified the office before leaving in Luke's car.

The car ride home was silent, but it wasn't awkward, I just didn't want to talk about dying. I was really young when my dad died. I was 9. I came home from school and my dad had promised me he was going to take me out on a special treat for doing well in school. We went out that weekend, shopping, ice-cream, sweets to last me a year, he treated me like I was a princess. When we got home I went to get changed into pajamas and he read me a story before kissing my forehead and whispering 'I love you' when I woke up... he was gone. I've already lost one person I love, I don't want to loose another one.

"We're here" Luke said opening the door for me. I smiled as he took me out to my front door.

"Hi darling, the school told me, awk come here" my mum said giving me a hug as I started to cry again. "thanks Luke your a sweetheart, would you like to stay for some tea?"

"No, I'd better go, leave you guys for a bit. Ill call you later Amy" he smiled also giving me a hug "stay strong baby okay?" I nodded as I opened the door for him and he walked back to his car.

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