/Chapter 8/

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//Luke p.o.v//

"How's school going for you?" My mum asked.
"Okay I guess" I replied
"Any girls on the line?" She teased
"Mum! " I shouted and then walked out up to my room.

I took my guitar and I started to strum. I don't know what I played I just played these random chords, and it turned out not too bad.
Once I had finished I placed my guitar back onto my stand and I went in twitter.
I was just scrolling down my feed and I saw Amy's tweet.

@xamybrittanyx I am so done with life.

What does that mean? I thought. She isn't gonna kill herself is she?
So I called her.
She picked up on the third ring.
"Hello" she said with a raspy voice.
"Hi it's Luke.....hello?"
She hung up.
I called again.
"Fuck off Luke!" She screamed.
"Amy wait! " I said before she could hang up.
"You can beat me up tomorrow if you want but I'm a little busy right now"
Crap, maybe I was too late.
"No, that's not why I called, I saw your tweet.... are you okay?"
She scoffs.
"Am I okay? What do you think Luke? I'm getting bullied by you for some weird reason, I can't tell anyone about it, I hate my body and practically my life, and my boyfriend cheated on me! So you tell me, am I okay?"
"When are you going to get it through your thick brain? Stop calling me that okay!" She screamed, and I could hear her cry through the phone.
"Goodbye Luke" she hung up.
Shit what have I done.

She didn't deserve any if this. I don't even know why I thought bullying her would get her closer to me. Now she hates my guts. I really am such a dick.

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