/Chapter 3/

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//Amy p.o.v//

School had finished and I was getting my bag for cheer.
"Meet you there Amy" Rebecca said walking away with Lauren.
"Okay be there in 2 minutes" I smiled as they walked off.

Today went okay. I talked to Luke a couple times he was quite a nice person, and I like him. In a friendly way. Obviously...

I closed my locker and heading for the sports block. On my way there I bumped into Luke. Stupid me not looking where I was going.
"Shit ,sorry" I apologised.
"It's okay" he laughed "where you off to"
"Cheer practise, you"
"Just off home"
We stood there awkwardly for a while.
"Well I better go" I laughed nervously.
I started walking but he grabbed my waist.
"Sorry, do you wanna meet up after school sometime?" He asked.
He was cute and I couldn't say no to that dimpled face.
"Yeah sure" I smiled.
We swapped phones and exchanged numbers.
He handed me back my phone and his contact was under.
Look its LUKE 😍
I laughed at his immaturity.
"See you later" I laughed walking away.

"Mum! I'm home!! " I shouted opening the door and closing it again walking up stairs to my room.
I dumped my bags in the corner and jumped on my bed folding my legs over. I took my phone and opened the text from Jordan.

Jordan- hey how's school, I miss you! Xxxx

Amy- hey schools okay not the same without you but :( xxxxx

I sent him a few other texts and decided that I wanted to record the song I wrote the other day.

I picked up my acoustic guitar and started strumming. Just as I was about to sing my phone went off.
I sighed as I went to grab it from my bed. I saw that the caller ID read Look it's Luke 😍.
I laughed as I put the phone to my ear.
"Hi it's Luke" the voice said.
"Yeah I know " I laughed.
"Oh hi, how are you?" He asked
"I'm okay I guess, you?"
"I'm alright"
"What are you doing?" he then asked
"I was just about to record a song"
"Oh do you sing?! Me too!" He said almost screaming through the phone.
"Oh that's cool"
"So are you at a recording studio then?"
"No I've got my own little studio in my room actually"
"Wow you room must be big" he chuckled
"Yeah it is" I laughed back.

We had a long conversation about our favourite bands and stuff and then when I brought up Jordan he said he had to go. I know it's weird me bringing him up especially since he likes me. Well I think. Anyway I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship.

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