/Chapter 26/

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/Amy p.o.v//

It's been 3 days since Rebecca died. Doctors said she had mass of bleeding which they couldn't stop, she wasn't in any pain as she was on medication, and just like that she slipped away.
I still couldn't believe it, it was her birthday in 3 weeks and she had been planning it for 3 months, her 18th birthday and she won't be here to celebrate it. Cheer won't be the same, school won't be the same, life won't be the same, I just want her back.
I was sitting on my bed, my knees up to my chest I just sat there doing nothing but crying constantly. I couldn't help it, I was just gloomy and didn't want to do anything but stay in bed.
I started to cut again yesterday, I was 4 months clean before, but losing Rebecca was just a part of my life torn away.
I've also been sick twice today, I don't know why. My life just sucks right now.

There was a knock on my door a couple minutes later.

"Come in" I whispered.
In walked Lauren, Luke and Calum. Me and Calum are starting to get close, I'm trying to completely forget what they did to me because I'm in love with Luke and Calum is my best friends, boyfriend, and Calum is actually a really nice person, I just really hate Ashton.

"Hey darlin' " Luke says giving me a hug then a sniffling Lauren gives me a hug, and then lastly Calum.

"The.. the ... the funeral .. is .. is next ... next week" Lauren sniffles giving me an invite.

"Thanks" I smile taking it, and she bursts into tears "heeey, come here" I say giving her a hug starting to cry also.

"Sorry.." she apologises as we pull apart.

"Don't apologise, we have to be strong 'kay" I tell her rubbing her forearm "we'll get through this"
She nods and sits down next to Calum on my sofa chair, her head in the crook of his neck while he stroked her hair trying to comfort her. Luke put an arm around me while I read the invite.

In loving memory of Rebecca Janett Thomas.
Tuesday 2nd February 2012

I looked up to Luke who was wiping away his tears. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and wiped away his excess tears with my thumb. He smiled at me giving me a kiss on my forehead and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" he whispered back.

I slowly opened up my eyes to see me and Luke lying back on my bed and Calum and Lauren asleep on the sofa chair. I slowly got up out of Luke's grasp covering him with the duvet cover giving him a kiss before taking a blanket for Lauren and Calum. Once I covered up everyone, I took my guitar and went downstairs into the living room. My mum wasn't there, must of went on some errands.
I sat on the couch and started to play Dear Darlin' by Olly Murs.

Dear darlin' please excuse my writing

I can't stop my hands from shaking

Cos I'm cold and alone tonight

I miss you and nothing hurts like no you

And no one understands what we went through

It was short. It was sweet. We tried.

And if my words break through the wall

And meet you at your door

All I can say is "Girl I mean them all"

Dear darlin' please excuse my writing

I can't stop my hands from shaking

Cos I'm cold and alone tonight

I miss you and nothin hurts like no you

No one understands what we went through

It was short. It was sweet.We tried, we tried.

I continued playing until I was in tears. I remember this was the last song that played at out final year of primary school at the disco, best memory ever.
Just as my head was buried into my guitar as I let tears fall my phone started to ring. Being completely oblivious to who it was I put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I sniffled.

"Amy, what's wrong?" Jordan asked

"Urgh what do you want?" I said wiping away my tears.

"I just wanted to apologise, that other night was just a mistake an--"

"And it takes you this long to apologise?" I say "well your a little too late for that, cos I've got a boyfriend, who treats me like a princess, like I'm actually wanted, so you can go back to the chick you were with cos I told you Jordan we're over" I said before hanging up but he stopped me.

"Amy wait, my life's incomplete without you I need you" he cried

"It's not always about you! You can't say your life's incomplete 'cos you don't even know the meaning, I've just lost my best friend and all you care about is us, well there is no us so you can just... just stay out my life"
I say then hanging up.
He's the last person I want to be speaking to right now.

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