Days: 1-7 pt2

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First day of 2021 yay 😁 we made it happy new year 🎊🎆🎈 have a nice day💖💖

One morning Harry decided to go for a early morning walk (on day 7)
Because he couldn't go back to sleep after a horrid nightmare (........sorry Harry.....anyway) as he was walking down towards the lake he felt a pull towards the forest his instincts told him to go back inside but the pull was too strong .

So slowly Harry turned to the forest (btw it's Saturday so people tend to sleep in ya know) if anyone was there they would have seen his eyes flash black , then back to their normal Avadra Kadavra green except they were glassed  over . Harry slowly walked towards the forest as if in a trance .
Halfway to the forest a Teacher that happened to be looking for him saw him and called out to him.

Almost there




SURPRISE!! Until next time...

Kidding.....what am I doing ?😑

Severus's pov

As usual I woke up early and started to grade whatever I have left to grade about 20mins in a little whisp of green came towards me and made a image of potter meaning he left the common room before 5:30am . Ugh now I have to go and drag the blasted boy back yes I know the boy is nothing like his father for harry is not selfish and is quite helpful. When he came to me asking for a private dorm I thought it was because of him getting tired of sharing a room , but when he elaborated on his plan and his thoughts to protect his friends from the Dark lords harm . He showed me a different side reminding me of lily and I realized my hatred of him didn't come from his actions but from the looks that he gets from his father . His actions although I don't agree with all of them his recklessness and fighting back was all to help those close to him not to give others a hard time . I have already searched the castle I decide to look outside as I go outside I see a figure in the distance it slowly turns to the forest and starts walking towards the forest

About half way to the forest I'm about  50m from him I call out "Potter!"
'Either he can't hear me of he is ignoring me!' "POTTER !"
'He's still walking'  "POTTER!"
I'm about 10m from him now and he keeps on walking  I decide to call him one more time " POTTER!" He is still walking I'm about 3 m away from him I quickly close the gap since we are about a quarter away from the forest. I grab him and he keeps on trying to walk .

Ok pt 3 will be our soon I'm sorry these chapters are gonna be a bit shitty since they are filler chapters   Now until next time my lovelies 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

His mask is slowly slipping (A drarry story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ