Unknown presences

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Pansy texted Hermione who had woken up an hour and half ago saying *Harry just Ran out of the common Room towards the west side of the castle *
Draco ,Blaise and Pansy Ran after Harry

Harry's pov
"Shit !" I had ran to where I saw the girl in the image , and there she was petrified because of me... I starter pacing and muttered to myself " Great now because of me a poor 1st Year is petrified..."I continued muttering to myself and didn't hear the approaching footsteps of the silver Trio.

Draco's pov
We were running after Potter ,when we finally caught up to him ,there was a petrified 1st year and Harry

Just a little update sorry but I have school I'm 15 and I'm single

His mask is slowly slipping (A drarry story)Where stories live. Discover now