Thirty one days. day:0

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"ok....wait what!?"

"I'm dragging you to the dorms' ,don't make me put you in a body bind ."

"I was just gonna go to the dorms',I was just looking for Snape first"


I give him a confused look

"-you expect me to believe that"

"Yes! because it's the truth now help me find Snape"

"Fine....but you have to promise to come to the dorms' "

"Oki!!let's go!"

After about ten minutes we decided to go to his classroom,lucky for us we found him there.

"Hello Snape may I speak to you in private " I asked

"Yes Potter"he drawled
I turn and look to Draco with a 'please look' he sighs and says"promise to go to the dorms". " Promise"

He leaves the classroom I turn back to Snape and cast a silencing charm,Snape raises a eyebrow but says nothing.
"Professor Snape I need you to do something please"

"Which would be.."

"On the 32nd day from today I need a private dorm and an excuse for it!"

"And why would you need those things?"

"To avoid Slytherin House-"

Snape was about to interject when I raised a hand to stop him , which worked .

"-for Thier own safety"

"I'm listening" he drawled

//basically harry explained the dangers to the Slytherin's if the Dark lord finds out their friends with Harry Potter
And explains that they would get too suspicious for him to suddenly break off so tells Snape the plan.Eventually Snape agrees //

Merry late Christmas hope you guys had a nice time and im not stopping this series .

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