On the train Part 1

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¬On the Train¬

Harry's Pov

'Pansy and Theo are terrible at trying to be sneaky' I thought. I look over at Mione who's asleep and Ron who is Reading? "Hey Ron? -He looked up- are you reading?" he blushed in embarrassment and nodded then Quickly whispered "Don't tell Hermione she will make me read the whole library." I laughed and whispered back "ok, I'm just going to pop out and stretch my legs." He gave a quick nod and continued to read. I was Looking for Pansy and Theo when all the sudden a hand went over my mouth and was pulled into an empty carriage, I was quick to react with an elbow to their stomach and my wand at their throat I had the spell at the tip of my tongue when I saw it was Theo who was clutching his stomach and a terrified Pansy. " for the love of merlin did you have to give me a heart attack, I've been attacked enough times to have a natural reflex you muttonheads" I Exclaim 'I am already on a high alert as it is' I think bitterly.

They both seem frozen to the spot so I wave my hand Infront of their faces and they snap out of it "you both all right there" I ask genuinely concerned. They both mutter some sort of response that is similar to yes.

"Ok so why did you want to speak with me?" I ask. They both share a look of worry then Pansy nods and Theo starts "we don't think you should come to Hogwarts"-now Pansy speaks up- "Y-you see something has H-happened over the summer" she glances to her left arm very quickly; I sigh and say "I know " they both look at me in shock 'this has been happening a lot lately' I think before I continue "yes about that-" I glanced at their left arms

"and no I won't tell you how I know but I need to be at Hogwarts I can't leave it unprotected at the moment " I see their concerned looks and sigh "look I will protect you guys to the best of my ability as well as the Slytherin house I know no one wanted that mark and I know how painful it was to receive it ... but I cannot do it carelessly I have to do it cautiously or Voldemort will find out and it will be much worse in the end , now I have to get back to Ron or our cover will be blown"

I wave goodbye and head back to the carriage.

Pansy's Pov

As Harry left, I knew Draco would not like it although he is mad at Harry for ignoring him, he cares about Harry a lot and would hate to see him hurt but deep down we all know Harry is going to end up hurt even if we don't like it is a fact we have to accept.

As we head back to the Slytherin carriage I had been in a daze I snap out of it when a hand lands on my shoulder I look up to see it's Theo, I give him a small smile as he smiles back.

When we get to the carriage we head over to Draco and Blaise, their heads snap up at us in anticipation as we shake our heads sadly, as we sit down they start to frown at us. (because of harry) The people that were branded and became Harry's friend last year came up with a plan to stop him from coming to Hogwarts because we did not want him in danger but as usual Harry is putting his life on the line for others, he is a kind hearted git. I guess it's on us for thinking he would listen to reason and thinking he wouldn't know about the mark.

But of course, he is Harry flipping Potter so of course he would know about the mark Harry flipping potter.... the boy who knows about it but doesn't treat you as an evil person...he doesn't deserve what is planned for him and I can't hold it in any longer, tears slowly shed from my eyes as I think of what is planned the boys share a look of concern since the have never seen me cry as Draco is about to ask something I stand up and leave the carriage, I hear three sets of footsteps follow me so I ran into the bathroom and lock the door I know its the girls (Astoria, Millicent and Daphne) since the boys have heavier footsteps but I cant face anyone right now so I quietly sob in the bathroom.

i am alive!! hi!! 

so i finished my junior cert exams which were supposed to be assessments but my school was like naw lets give them one of the mock exam papers which is basically the same type of exam but now im done with school you guys shall be getting a lot of chapters to make up for being offline !!! 

bye lovlies hope you enjoyed 

do you guys think i can become an auther?

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