"....the world got dimmer till i sat in darkness yet again..."

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Shout out to HelloKittyAnime01  for their kind words and for inspiring me to write this chapter!Hope you guys enjoy!

I never liked the darkness. It always reminded me of my time locked in the cupboard under the stairs,locked away from the world in my own little snapshot. I never knew what time it was when I was in there. All I knew was that it was always dark, and when it was the brightest hour of the day,the room became a dark grey.

The only way I knew I wasn't sitting in a still life was because of how the dust glimmers in the little light I got.As the day continued the world got dimmer till I sat in darkness yet again. The Isolation eventually became an irritating fuse to my overthinking and downward spirals, which is why I was also glad to do the chores they forced me to, I was glad to suffer those beatings, because at least it wasn't dark and I wasn't alone.

My mind, body and soul was always busy during those times, I know if I ever told anyone they'd pity me and my life, but why focus on the past?, you can't change it? It's there and will always be there.

The past makes us who we are, so why must we see it as a shackle rather than the key?

Hermione sees a a puzzle with me, she thinks my only issues are the war, but she knows there is something else, something I'm not telling her,well at least something i obliviated from both her and Rons memories the first chance i got,hence her persistence to shove me into therapy, one I can never go to because how is the Hero of the wizarding world supposed walk into a mind healers office and go, 'I have been abused ever since I was dropped off at my muggle relatives'.

Not only will the whole wizarding world know about it, but the next day, I'll be pitied for the rest of my life.

And I can't exactly go to a muggle therapist and go, 'there is a wizarding world that just survived a war and I'm having ptsd about it, and oh I was neglected and abused in my muggle house all my childhood…oh and i'm an illegal magical animal that can turn into other animals, magical and not. Im ignoring most of my friends because I don't want the unimaginably horrible things that might happen to them,happen to them, and i hate that i can't tell them why im doing what i'm doing,

Yeah. . . I'd rather not be sent to a Looney bin.

I felt as if I was floating in this weirdly serene darkness,when suddenly I was yanked down,all my senses reacted to everything as I shot up in alarm

The light practically burned my eyes, the sheets felt as if I sat on a cloud,my ears rang as I shouted wandless spell after wandless spell, everything felt too much,my heart was beating loudly as the feeling of impending doom spiked in my chest. My anxiety skyrocketed, I haven't felt that since Voldemort was after us. It felt like my veins turned into ice as I heard familiar voices. Had I hit them with a spell? I froze,my breathing got heavier, and everything was fuzy from unshed tears. I could see blonde,red,bushy brown and black hair.

My breathing got heavier as bushy brown hair approached me, I  jerked back, hitting my head , and I let out a strangled hiss through my heavy breathing.

I flinched  when red hair got closer, but I felt safer than the bushy brown hair until the redhead tried to touch me. It felt like he burnt me, my magic flared. It burst out , causing everyone other than the blonde to jump back.'Why didn't he?'

I heard their voices but I couldn't tell what they were talking about, all I knew was that I was getting light headed from this terrible ordeal, I closed my eyes, this was getting too much.

Suddenly, a cold hand touched my forehead,my magic relaxed, welcoming this presence. The feeling of imminent doom dissipated, allowing my breathing to slow down bit by bit.

Slowly I opened my eyes only to be met with captivating and seemingly slightly blue tinted grey eyes, suddenly I was taken back to when I was a kitten held in his grasp,when I stared at my captures eyes and felt safe.

Right now, I felt calmer that I've ever been, I felt a weird sense of safety in my chest, one I've never dared to hope for.

I stared into his concerned eyes, I noticed his features held fatigue, suddenly the guilt came crashing down as I scrambled off the bed, landing on the floor with an oof, before scrambling to stand up,I gripped Ron's arm before fleeing, I couldn't let him deal with this, I had to run, now. I could hear the footsteps of the others, I mindlessly cast a speedwalking charm on both me and Ron,  allowing us to gain enough ground so we could disappear down a secret passageway.

The passage led us to the very back of the Library, a place where we'd be safe for at least an hour and a half. Ron walked over to one of the couches and plopped onto it with a heavy sigh, and I followed suit.

After a few minutes, I let out a sigh and turned to Ron. "What happened after I was knocked out?". I dreaded the answer, knowing it would lead to another lecture from Hermione.

He looked at me and contemplated his answer, knowing I wouldn't like it but he knows I'd never stop bothering him about it either If he didn't tell me.With a deep sigh he said " suddenly you were just knocked out, Dra-....Malfoy yelled your name, I'm guessing Mione heard it because she came barging in all worried a couple seconds later. I tried to shove her out of the room, I knew you'd hate her badgering and commands, but she refused to budge,my magic flared up in anger, causing hers to do the same. Malfoy and Zambini tried to get us to calm down, our magic flared at them and suddenly you sat up, you put up a barrier charm around Malfoy and Zambini Then you put invisa chains around Hermione's magic and you suppressed mine with a temporary magic block. Hermione started yelling spell after spell to get the invisa chains off, nothing worked.once I got over the shock of the block you put on me I dodged whatever spells you were yelling and went into the barrier around the other two, I asked Malfoy what happened, and after a moment you went silent. Suddenly, you started hyperventilating, and I rushed over to your bed to see if I could get you to calm down, but Hermione beat me to it, and you got worse. Luckily, she backed off after you hurt yourself because of her. I tried to get closer to you again and you were fine until I tried to touch your hand it was like you electrocuted me enough to shock me… and then your magic blasted out a barrier pushing us back,we'll it didn't push Malfoy back at all, it pushed me back a few centimetres, but it pushed 'Mione and Blaise back quite a bit, blaise a little less than 'Mione, she was fuming about that.You closed your eyes and since your magic didn't push Malfoy back I knew it trusted him so…. I may have instructed him on how to calm you down. Luckily, it worked…and now we're here." He smirked at the end,teasing me about my magic's decisions on who to trust and who to push away.

I shoved him playfully. Now was not the time.
Suddenly, it dawned on me,"...wait a second…you and Hermione's magic also flares without your control since when?"

Ron stared off in thought for a moment before answering, "When I got used to using wandless magic practically all the time…I don't think I've actually used my wand since…"

I stared at him quizzically,'Has he truly not?', I thought back to all the times I've seen him use magic since the war. After a moment, I realised he truly hasn't used his wand in a long time,thinking about it now, neither has Mione or me. I guess since we are not using a wand to channel the magic for the spells, we've freed our magic from the restrictions we were used to…makes sense.

Deciding to steer away from the topic of flaring magic, I asked, "sooo…since we're here do you wanna grab some books so we can study in peace without mione nagging us to do so?Like that we can avoid her when she's getting too much again".

Exasperated he nodded and went to grab some books he'd Nedd,  once we were done as we were about to leave the library with our books the doors slammed open to reveal a livid and out of breath silhouette.


His mask is slowly slipping (A drarry story)Where stories live. Discover now