The letter's

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It's been a long time since the trials and even longer since war.

The Weasley's home became silent and eerie. There was a constant sense of dread and denial.

Molly became more quiet and became overbearing when it came to the health of the family.

Arthur became embroidered to his job to keep his mind busy, even when he was at home he was busy tinkering with muggle appliances.

Bill and Charlie were always visiting and even when they weren't there seemed to be a constant face in the fire.

Ron's firecracker like attitude dissipated from his day to day interactions and seemed to be channelling itself into a chamber waiting for the right time to blow.

Ginny hid away in her room only coming out for food and toiletries.Blue streaks of light could often be seen flashing in her room ,aswell as another voice, none Questioned it.

And George... let's not talk about George...

Hermione Granger is a woman of many talents , her abilities exceed the expectation of muggle borns , yet she failed in bringing back her parents aswell as thier memories. Due to this ,she has also been grieving , not only her loss but also because of her failure...

Nonetheless she acts as if nothing is wrong , in the house so many memories were made in, ones only she remembers...her slightly duller eyes are the only clue to her troubles.

Harry Potter, saviour of both the wizarding world and muggle word. You'd think that all is well considering all of the awards and praises He's received, well....

You're wrong.

Tucked away from the world, our young saviour is making breakfast in what was the base for The Order of The Phoenix and his Godfathers house.

The home is still dark and gloomy, matching the aura the raven haired boy is projecting.Kreacher was being his usual grumbling self muttering about the lack of traditional list of orders for him to do.

Harry simply dismissed his grumbling, in favour of sorting through his mail, several letters from the ministry,most of them invitations for some ceremony or another aswell as kingsley's weekly check-in letter, Molly's Daily check-in letter (with reminders of the healthy things he must eat ), letters from Ron , Ginny, Neville,Luna and Mione , Minnie's check-in letter and finally...a letter from Hogwarts.

Placing the invitations and check-in letters in separate piles, Harry stared at the Hogearts letter ,the seal itself bringing up unwanted memories.

Deciding to open it later, Harry busied himself with the invitations and write out his replies to them , setting his replies into a pile and incinerating the invites themselves.

He glanced at the Hogwarts letter  and reached to grab it, then hesitated and thought otherwise.

Deciding to read the check-in's he opened up the first one.

Kingsleys sent his standard script , meaning he was swamped with work and didn't have the time to write his sweet, kind hearted messages.

He wrote down a semi detailed reply and once again glanced at the Hogwarts Letter, sighing he opened Molly's Letter.

Dear Harry

How are you Dearie?
Remember to eat all your meals!
Don't overload yourself with those sweets and other junk.
Remember to have a decent proportion of healthy foods!
If you ever feel unwell send me a letter and I'll be over faster than you can say Merlin.

Harry I know it's completely your choice but I think you should take the opportunity you'll be presented with soon,Ronald and Ginny don't have the pleasure of choosing, I hope you choose to do the right thing.

After reading Harry sighed and glanced at the imposing Letter once again,guessing whatever is in the letter is what Molly was hinting at. Shaking his head he put aside Mollys letter and decided to write his reply later.

Taking a sneaky glance at the Letters from his friends he decided to read them after he got through the Hogwarts one ,guessing that whatever they wrote had to do with it.

Opening up Minnie's letter he sighed and read it

Dear, Harry

How are you?
You better stop wallowing in self pity , young man.i will not allow you to waste your life in such a manner. I failed you and I realise that , Albus's painting is receiving the punishment he deserves for his wrong doings.
I know your avoiding your Hogwarts letter open it and get back to me.


'Did she have to be so blunt' he thought.

Harry picked up at the letter he's been avoiding all morning and stared at it for a good ten minutes,then briefly wondered what his life has come to once he realised the amount of time he spent staring.

Sighing, Harry heaved himself from his seat and decided to be a little bit productive.

Definitely not avoiding the inevitable,Definitely not.

Harry successfully wasted an hour cleaning the entire kitchen , even going as far as making small magical renovations,making the place look much brighter.

Content with his accomplishment of, as they say  °killing  two   birds  with  one  stone °.

On an unconscious impulse Harry yet again glanced at the innocent looking, yet extremely imposing Letter sitting ,inconspicuously on the table.

Harry knew there was only so much he could do to put off reading the letter.
And no matter how much he told himself that some procrastination in life is a good thing , he knew he was just lying to himself.

So Harry decided to project his fake confidence to the invisible public,and stalked over to the letter

Opening it with a heavy sigh and eyes squeezed shut, as if it was gonna explode in some way shape or form.

Harry pulled the letter out and slowly opened his eyes ,once his eyes adjusted he read the letter before letting out a frustrated  growl.

Dear student's

We know the last few years have been tough on all of you ,and hope all of you are recovering from the ordeal of the previous year. We are happy to inform you, that our school has been successfully rebuilt,and is  ready for the new school year.
Due to last year's ordeal, we ask all seventh years are to return as our newly added eight years. The addition of the extra year will stay until all of the students have completed the curriculum.

Last year's 1st years are now second years,
2nd years are now third years, 3rd years are now fourth years , 4th years are now fifth years , 6th years are now seventh years and 7th years are now eight years.

I also wish to inform you that it is not mandatory for eight years to attend but is highly recommended.

Note: NO one from the previous 7th year is graduating unless they fulfill their 8th year.

Hogwarts, administration

Hey guys sorry for making you guys wait so long, something came up and everything has been going downhill since .

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Until next time lovelies😘

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