.....Harry its impossible......pt 3

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itsmai13  made me so happy that I decided to publish a new chapter please go check out her story.

I got back to the common room to see a very annoyed Blaise and Draco and before they could open their mouths I said " wait for the others"

Ron's pov
No not again ,we don't need a basilisk as well as umbitch and the war I could make a list of things but I'm not going to I need to get to the common room .

Third person pov
When everyone  finally got to the common room they all sat on the chairs .
Harry turned to Hermione and said " 'mione  we got a snake problem"
Draco spoke up " what kind of snake problem"
Harry looked hesitant and reluctantly replied " Basilisk"
The whole room paled especially Ginny.
Harry kept on rubbing over where he was bitten Ginny noticed this and stood up and walked over to him and hugged Him and said " hey harry it's ok Fawkes  will come and heal you again if needed I'm sure"
Hermione looked alarmed and darted her head straight over to Harry and said " harry what does she mean?"

Harry mental face palms himself.
This is gonna be a long night

"What harry you didn't tell them" Ginny screeched
"Gin I was fine , I am fine" Harry stated
" Harry you are not fine! Don't think I haven't seen you holding your arm in pain sometimes you are not fine!" Ginny screeched
" Ginny I said I'm fine!" Harry yelled
" How can you say your fine you were bitten by a bloody basilisk!!"
Ginny yelled and then clasped her hand over her mouth everyone turned to harry .

"Harry.....why didn't you tell us ..."Hermione asked  concern all over her voice
" because it didn't matter , what mattered was getting Ginny back to the Weasleys alive and to get rid of Tom riddles diary"
" How could you say it didn't matter" both Hermione And Ginny screeched
Ron finally spoke up " bloody hell mate you didn't even go to the hospital wing afterwards,  I mean I'm happy you brought Ginny back alive but you should've went to get a checkup with madam pomphrey  at least"
" I had more ....important matters to attend to........ now can we focus on the task at hand" Harry stated
Draco stood up and yelled
" bloody hell potter! What would be more important than your  health!"

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