rage and insanity

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Happy birthday, HelloKittyAnime01!!!
I hope your day is amazing🥳
Here's some cake!! And treats!!!🎂🎉🧁🍰🍸🧋🍹
(As I was uploading it, I realised that while it might be your birthday when I upload this, because of timezones, it could be the day before or the day after your birthday. If it is, im sorry!!!)

Hermione's breaths were ragged as she shook with anger. Her hair looked like it just about survived a hurricane,her eyes locked onto us, rage visible, demanding our fear.

Luckily, her magic was still bound by invisa chains. unluckily, I think that's also fueling her rage.

A quick glance at Ron told me he was near pissing himself, I absentmindedly wondered if we could run and hide in the safety of our room,probably not.

Seeming to have caught her breath, she marches towards us, intent on giving us a piece of her mind. I wondered How I should approach this without it resulting in the loss of my limbs or life?. Her magic felt dense as she neared, my invisa chains seemed to have enough,cackling under the pressure of her magic,but they held and I have never been more thankful.

Hermione was yelling now,standing in front of us with her hands on her hips as if she were a disappointed mother scolding her children.
I tuned her out,nodding every once in a while.

After a moment or so, I casted tempus with a wave of my hand,not wanting to get detention for missing curfew. We had to leave. Hermione was nowhere near finishing her rant or whatever Bullshit she was sprouting now. At this rate, we'd never get back in time for curfew, so I simply started walking, Ron right behind me, refusing to be left alone with Hermione for even a second. She froze mid-sentence when we walked away before spluttering in disbelief. Once she got over it, she continued her rant, something about my mental health and whatnot.

I ignored her, I was not in the right headspace to deal with her. Words like trauma, ptsd, depression and phobias registered here and there as she continued to lecture us. Ron was rolling his eyes, speeding up every now and then in hopes of getting out of this lecture faster,I don't blame him.

We turned a corner, our residence in sight. I sighed in relief before booking it down the hall. Ron right behind me if the hurried footsteps were anything to go by. I distantly heard Hermione yell in disbelief as I quickly told the portrait the password with promises of an actual conversation later. She opened the entrance with a laugh, saying she'd hold me to it before closing. Only after Ron bolted through the opening with a cheer. We genuinely laughed for the first time in a while, only to  come face to face with an angry Ginerva Weasley. I physically had to hold back a groan,Ron did not bother to restrain himself, “Gin you can't be serious!,this is none of your business,I don't care what Hermione told you.This is none of your bloody Business.”, he was practically seething.

As a last resort to diffuse the situation,I placed a comforting hand on Ron’s shoulder,restricting him from lunging at his sister in pure anger; he'd regret it later. Gin apparently couldn’t see her brothers unfiltered rage on his face, nor could she feel it in his magic that settled around us as she arrogantly said ”Harry is basically family, it IS my business especially since this has to do with you too,don’t think we haven't noticed you acting weird since the war,you spent most of your time with Harry at the old headquarters. You haven’t been you for a long time. . . I. . . I just want my brother back”.

Somehow, we migrated to the sofas in the Common Room. Luckily, no one was there. Gin's confession was shocking, but she couldn't seriously  expect Ron to be the exact same as he was before the war. And about me, it is seriously none of her or Hermione’s about my actions or choices.

I flinched as the portrait slammed open. The poor portrait yelled in anger at the action while a furious Hermione practically stomped in. She was yelling again, standing in front of us with her arms crossed. A moment later, the portrait opened again, and in came Draco, Blaise, Theo,Pansy,Milli,Tori, and Daphne. They gave us pitied looks as they took in the scene,I heard someone say,”Oh they found them”,they tried to sneak off somewhere. Sadly, Hermione saw them.For a split second, hope filled my chest as she turned to them,but it was short-lived.

She had frozen their feet to the ground before turning back to us.Even Ginny was sending us pitying glances, and I could barely hold Ron back,let alone myself. Suddenly, the portrait entrance opened again,and in came Neville, Dean, and Seamus. I quickly shook my head in hopes of saving them from this torture. But did it work? No…No it did not.

The three of them didn't even really know what was going on, yet here they were, bound to the chairs. At some point, Luna joined us,but Ginny simply distracted her, not wanting her to cross Mione’s unnecessary wrath.

My anger was getting the better of me as the time went on, and eventually, I snapped. This was getting ridiculous.

“Hermione! This is getting ridiculous! You have gone insane! Look around. You’ve trapped like half a class worth of students. You need to stop!!!!, this has gone on far enough you are NOT my mother. I will NEVER have a goddamn mother so stop trying to be one!. YOU decided to Obliviate your parents, YOU’RE the one who didn't have a contingency plan, YOU are the one who has become so Hyper Focused about my mental health, when YOU are the one who should focus on YOURS.”

I had wordlessly and wandlessly unfrozen the Slytherins' feet and unbound the three bound to the chairs. She spluttered in surprise before meekly saying, “I just wanted to help you, Harry. . ., you just haven't been the same. . .and the way you were on about Dumbledore, after all he did. . . you just clearly need help.”

And everything went downhill from there.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!!!!!!

His mask is slowly slipping (A drarry story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon