Sirius's Death

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So it's been a while since Harry moved into a secluded dorm.
It has also been a while since he talked to his Slytherin friends.
Harry's Gryffindor friends agreed to his plan when they found out on the 18th day . Everyone who became friends with the Slytherins have slowly been detaching themselves from them,because they all Agreed that they would be safer. Harry has almost fully detached himself with the exception of  a hello here and there ,the others still talk to the Slytherins 2-3 times a week .
The Slytherins have been noticing this but they brushed it of and labeled it as them having a busy schedule except Pansy ,Astoria &Draco.
The three know something is up but are having a hard time figuring it out.
          ~time skip~
Sirius is dead and Harry just went into his secluded dorm and wouldn't come out . Four days have past and Harry hasn't been seen so Snape went to check on him.

When Snape found him he was in his bed that he hasn't left for days with a tear stricken face, red eyes ,messier  hair than anything living.

When Harry lifted his face Snape was shocked by his usual energetic and vibrant eyes looking broken and dull beyond compare and the look in those eyes looked as it did the day he made the mistake with lily on the brink of tears , Snape sat down on the bed and hugged the Broken boy as tears left his eyes .


So after a hour of crying Snape and Harry decided to never never! Speak about it
(😏just u wait Harry)
Snape spoke some sense into him so he started showing up smiling and being his usual self .
The ones who noticed it were of course Astoria , Pansy,Draco,Hermione,Ron& Neville but he denied their attempts to get it out of him.

                    ~time skip ~
It has been a week since he came out of his room on his way to DADA he had a sudden flashback to Remus teaching the the class then it changed to Remus holding him back while watching Sirius die,tears started brimming his eyes and his legs started moving towards a abandoned classroom where he went to the corner and curled into himself .

Harry was so deep into his attack that he didn't notice the door open and someone calling his name he noticed that someone gave him a hug and was getting him to calm down . When Harry calmed down enough he noticed that Pansy was there , and then he smiled then frowned when he remembered he was supposed to stay away he got up and was about to grab the handle when pansy grabbed his wrist.

Harry's pov
I turned and looked her in the eyes it held pain from what I don't know.
"Why h-have y-you been avoiding us..."
Towards the end she trailed off and looked to the side.
Was all I could think .
"Pansy I'm doing for you guys's safety....I-i  c-ant tell you why."

"Please! Harry tell me!i don't want to lose one of my closest friends!"


"Pans I-i c-c-can't"

"Please! Harry!"
She was crying now and I couldn't bare it.
"P-promise n-not t-t-tell anyone"


"Not even dray?"

"Not even dray"

"Okay so *explains everything *....."

"Oh Harry....why were you missing for four days?"

"Oh...umm..... *explains*"
I hear a gasp from her and she pulls me into a hug , we hug for a while then the bell rings and we realized we missed class she promised she wouldn't tell anyone once again and then we headed to our next classes ,one thing off my shoulders

Eeek !
I'm starting online school on Monday but you guys are my heroes for reading my book!
Bye~my lovelies until next time!

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