"I don't know...."

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A/N: Hey guys so  if you wanna know why i was gone for so long please feel free to check out the latest conversation!!!



As I rushed into the castle, running faster than I ever had, I casted a location charm I created to find Ron.

As soon as I found him, I miraculously started running even faster, until I took a sudden turn and ran into a group of people. I grabbed onto the closest person as we all crashed down like domino's.

Groans were heard as the pain from the sudden and brutal impact started to kick in, as I scrambled to stand up I mumbled a string of hurried apologies, once I managed to balance myself, I offered a hand to the closest person to me, "I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going, I sincerely apologise for my actions." , my eyes stayed staring at the stone floor,the fear of an angry response, forcing me to act submissive.

Mentally cursing at my mind, for allowing past memories to cloud my mind in the current situation, I didn't notice the fingers being snapped in front of my eyes nor my name being called, I heard a shout but it sounded like I was under water, the words never reached my ears yet I could hear its volume.

A stinging sensation yanked me out of my mind and back into life and staring at me was a concerned group of people I wasn't ready to face just yet, Pansy, Theo, Blaise,Tori, Daphne, Millicent and Draco, stood before me, eyes filled with worry and concern.

Reminding myself it's best to stay away from them, I apologise for my unruly behaviour and start to walk past them not noticing that Draco was holding on until I was suddenly stopped due to the distance. I turned to face the culprit, for what I don't know, but the moment my eyes met his stormy grey ones , all words left me how could they not when his eyes held such sincerity that I felt he deserves to know why I have been avoiding him like the plague, why I ignored all their letters and any and all form of contact, why I refuse to look at them or be in their general vicinity. For a moment I forgot who I am and what duties I have to fulfil.

Until it all came crashing down, reality hit me at the speed of that dreadful magical bus, I mustn't, I need to keep them safe, I slowly placed my other hand on top of his and gently made him release his grip on me , once he was fully detached I let his hand go, a strained "sorry" , was all I could manage to mutter before darting down the hall , turning at the first corner. I could hear them as I leaned against the wall in hopes of catching my breath. I really must start running again soon, knowing my luck I'll need it.

"Don't Dray, he will come around we just have to wait", Blaise's voice seemed exhausted and strained but not because of whatever Draco tried to do, "no he won't and you know it Blaise, stop giving dray false hope, he hasn't talked to us since that day and probably never will,Don't look at me like that you guys you know it's true, I'm not saying stop trying I mean look at the boy he's on his last legs, quite clearly to anyone that knows him, I mean did you see how he acted just now! But stop hoping that things go back to the way they were before, we are no longer those people we have all changed, war does that!, and that boy literally gave up his life for us, he has changed too, now we have to build new bridges as our old ones seemed to withered away due to adults having tantrums over a prophecy. OK?. ", the others gave grumbled okays after Tori's impressive speech. She sounded just as bad as Blaise. I might have to keep an eye on them since they seem exhausted and strained.

Once I catch my breath I silently continue my journey down the hall until my footsteps couldn't be heard by the group I left back in the hallway. Once I was far enough I started running towards Ron yet again so he doesn't have to deal with life and... Hermione by himself.

His mask is slowly slipping (A drarry story)Where stories live. Discover now