"you stubborn git you made me worry"

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The group of students parted only to reveal Pansy,Astoria,Daphne, Blaise & Theo.

(A/n:Not me coming back to my draft and seeing my chapter completely gone😭 I was so proud of it to!!!😭)

Time seemed to have froze.

Everyone held thier breath the youngest  years wore confused and curious expressions ,the older years that knew and were apart of the truce between the two houses wore expressions of fear.

Fear of their carefully crafted plan to try and keep both sides safe are, falling apart.
It killed both sides to put aside thier friendships like a piece of long forgotten  care of magical creatures homework ,they new what had to be done but that didn't mean everyone stuck to doing so.

Rules are ment to be broken ,otherwise we are all stuck in the void created to keep us up to the standards of those who wish to keep order and create perfection.


Perfection is a tricky thing because everyone's view of perfection is different and sadly most can't see the perfection in imperfection because they lost thier view of perfection because of the influences around them.

Pansy took a tentative step forward in fear of her brain using her imagination against her to create more pain.

Everyone stood In complete silence wondering what will happen next.

Harry slowly opened his arms , as if he was welcoming a terrified animal ,into the warmth of his presence.

Pansy's breath hitched, her tears surfaced making her vision slightly hazy   but that didn't stop her from launching herself at the boy who lived, almost causing them to fall but managed to stay up right. After a moment or two Pansy pulled away only to latch her arm onto the rest of the unsuspecting golden trio,and pulled them into a group hug ,earning a surprised yelp from Ron and a teary chuckle from Hermione.

Most of the room let out a breath they didn't notice they were holding.

Once the tears slowed down considerably Pansy pulled away fully and punched Harry's arm and exclaimed "you stubborn git you made me worry!"

Harry yelped in surprise and started rubbing his arm "sheeesh , calm down woman!,Hermione gave plenty of punches for a lifetime I don't need you adding on!" The room let out a hearty chuckle at the childish act,happy there was some sort of normality.

Harry turned to the rest of the slytherins still frozen like a deer in headlights,worried for his friends Harry  practically teleports in front of them Frantically waving his hands in worry,luckily they snap out of thier trance and spend the next 15 minutes reassuring Harry that they are fine.

On the other side of the room "it's nice seeing him, like him and not completely mental isn't it?" Ginny questioned the other three.

"It's nice to know his head is free of damper-rinks and tristis oscines, I'd hate for them to cause a fuss and distract him " replied Luna with an airy chuckle

Hermione raised an eyebrow and questioned "what's so funny Luna?"
She was genuinely curious, she honestly loved little moments like these sadly there was an impending war practically knocking on the door but sometimes it was necessary to slow down and enjoy life for a bit.

"Nothing really its just,Harry's kindness and loving heart is still going strong even though life likes to kick him down...sometimes his childishness is necessary to remind us that...we don't have to be...perfect. also something tells me that dray just heard Harry's  back"

This time all of them chuckled, then a light bulb went of in Hermione's head,the gears were turning ,her memory of thier current quest slowly reappearing.



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