Chapter Twenty, Is My Dad A Bad Person!?...

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Ezra is shocked to the core and starts to feel dizzy, just as Kanan and Sara help him up before he collapses.

"Take it easy bro!.."

"Hold on!..."

The both of them help Ezra to sit down as Sabine tells the kid what Tseebo said to her earlier after finding him in Ezra's old abandoned tower. "Do you remember the magical Force memory book you and I found a few weeks ago?..."

Ezra nods, causing Sabine to continue. "Both your foster mother and my mother told Tseebo and me that Ahsoka and Rex returning a former Sith Lord to the Jedi Council on the day you were born when she felt Anakin's pain and suffering and... The bond between the two of them broke...!"

Ezra felt tears pure out from his Sapphire eyes, afraid that Mark might be right about Anakin betraying his family. Kanan helps his student into his arms before the kid turns to Tseebo. "It's not your fault, Tseebo, nobody knew what the Emperor was up to; especially me!... Hera, I want you to take Tseebo to Flucrum so she can take him somewhere safe to hide from the Empire. Kanan, we have to take the Phantom to an old clone war base!..."

Sara doesn't like that idea, knowing that he and Kanan won't be any more welcome there than with Empire. "The one with nasties who live in the shadows that we nearly escaped from when you were ten years old, are you crazy?!..."

Ezra shakes his head at Sara, knowing they don't have much of a choice. "Does anyone ever say yes to that question?...  Besides, the Inquisitor has put a tracker on us! As long as me and Kanan are on the Ghost, Tseebo's life is at risk!..."

Kanan shrugs at Sara, knowing Ezra has a good point. "Uh, he's right. We'll be fine, Sara. And don't worry kid, I"ll be right beside you!..."

Ezra smiles a little bit, knowing that makes him feel a little bit. Later that evening, Sabine talked with Ezra about his family problems, right before he left. "I'm sorry about your foster parents!..."

Ezra sighs, holding his family pendant. "Me too!.... Well, Sabine... Looks like my biggest fears came true, I wouldn't be surprised if Kanan decides to give up on me entirely!..."

Sabine just sighs, knowing Ezra isn't to blame for being cast out of her home as a traitor. "(SIGHS) It's not your fault, I'm the one who said that Tseebo wanted to talk to you!..."

Ezra puts a hand on Sabine's shoulder, knowing she isn't to blame either. Little do they know Kanan is listening to every word the two are saying. Kanan's eyes soften at Ezra's story and what his student says next.

"It's not Tseebo's fault, Sabine!... Or your's, or Kanan's!... I'm the one Mark doesn't want in his life, because I was born on Empire Day!.... He even wished that I wasn't even born the last time I saw him!..."

"Both Kanan and I don't remember him saying that he wished you were ever born!..."

"Believe me, he didn't have to say it!... Sabine... I've been on my own since I was seven, okay?... If I'd let myself believe that real family was alive... If I'd let myself believe that they come back and save me... I never learned how to survive!..."

Sabine smiles before giving Ezra a comforting hug. "Well... Kanan obviously thinks that you're worth being friends with, and I do too!..."

Ezra smiles; glad she and Kanan are willing to put the past behind them, so he could feel accepted. "Well, thanks, Sabine... I least I have two friends, even if one of them is Mandalorian!....

Ezra winks at her, causing both him and Sabine to laugh a little. Suddenly, Kanan opens up the door, causing Ezra to shriek back in shock. "You ready to go?..."

Ezra looks back at Sabine, who smiles knowing she and Hera will take care of Tseebo for him. "Yeah... Just give me a minute!..."

"Okay!..." Kanan places a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, before leaving. Ezra turns to follow him but looks back at Tseebo. Knowing that it would be the last time he saw his adopted figure-uncle, Ezra sighs sadly before hugging Tseebo!... The Rodian is shocked, but hugs the young boy back, before whispering. "Tseebo will see you again Ezra, I promise!...

Ezra smiles, before leaving Sabine alone with Tseebo. In the Phantom, Ezra sits down as Kanan starts up the ship. Hera knows it's pointless to talk either of them out of it. "Just please be careful out there, Kanan, and Ezra...? Look after him for us!...

Ezra simply smirks, knowing that is his job as the youngest of the crew. "Somebody on the ship has to!..."

As the Phantom takes off into hyperspace, Sabine places a comforting n both Tseebo and Sara. "He'll be fine!..."

"Oh yeah, and how do you know that?..."

"Because you raised him!..."

Sara sighs, knowing Ezra will be fine as long as Kanan is with him.

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