Chapter Six, I Don't Have Any Parents\ Ezra's A Jedi As Well?...

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Ezra felt himself waking up in the medbay aboard the Ghost. He looks to his left seeing Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, smiling as Hera enters the room relieved.

"Hi there, sleepyhead!..."

Ezra looks up to see Kanan smiling with relief and happiness seeing Ezra alive and well. "Welcome aboard. Again."

Ezra couldn't help but laugh for the first time in a long time. "Thanks... Thank you, I didn't think that you'd come back for me..."

Hera is about return to hyperdrive and head back to Lothal. "I'll get you home now, your parents must be worried sick...!"

The young boy sniffed and turned away from the older woman who reminded him of his adoptive mother. "I... I don't have any parents!..."

Hera's eyes softened at the boy's sad eyes as Kanan placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder. "I'm sorry... I didn't know, Ezra...!"

For once in his life, Ezra didn't flinch or try to shrug off the comfort. He smiled placing his hand over Kanan's before remembering what he overheard in his cell. "And you've got somewhere else to be. I know where they're taking the Wookies. Have you ever heard of the spice mines of Kessel?..."

Sabine sat down, knowing that name a lot when she was a bounty hunter. "Slaves sent there the last few months, maybe a year."

Hera immediately finished Sabine's thought of what she was going to say. "And for the Wookies; born in the forest, it's a death sentence..."

Ezra looks at the ground before making his mind about what wanted in his heart to do like his real parents did at a young age. "Well... Then I guess we better go save them!..."

Sabine and Kanan looked at Ezra, completely confused at the kid's courage. "We?..."

Ezra shrugged, smiling a real one for the first time in a while. "I've come this far, I might as well finish the job!..."

Hera smiled proudly as she headed towards the main room. "Setting course for Kessel!..."

As the others left, Kanan and Ezra smiled at each other feeling peace for the first time in a long time.

Soon, the Ghost came out of hyperspace and landed on Kessel. Ezra rushed over some cells and saw a father named Wullffwarro holding his son named Kitwarr protectively. Ezra immediately held his hands up calmly, holding the keys. "Hey, hey, I'm just here to help!..."

She freed the family and watched the rest of the Wookies fight the stormtroopers. Suddenly, Wullffwarro screamed as Kitwarr ran off in fear. Zeb noticed Ezra's worried face and placed a comforting paw on the kid's shoulder. "He'll be okay, I'll take care of him!..."

Ezra nods solemnly as he watched Zeb help Wullffwarro to crate. Suddenly, Kallus shows up without anyone but Kanan aiming his blaster at Ezra. "Say goodbye to your life, Ezra Skywalker!..."

Kanan immediately senses it reaches for Ezra's arm to pull him away from Kallus's line of fire!... "Kid, watch out!..." Kanan pulls him behind a crate as Hera answers on Kanan's comlink. "I can't maintain position!..."

Kanan picks it up and answers her. "Go! Lead the TIES away give yourself enough maneuvering room!"

"I am not leaving you behind!"

"No, you're not. We're doing a 22-Pickup!..."

Sabine and Zeb thought Kanan was crazy "Seriously?"

Kanan rolled his eyes at the others. "You have a better option?"

"Jump the pit and get it over with?" Zeb knew they did not have all day.

Hera sighed, realizing Kanan's and Zeb's point. "All right; I'll be right back, make you're ready!.."

While the rest of his friends were arguing, Ezra had picked up the lightsaber he had earlier and got from his hiding spot. Kanan's attention was once again focused on Ezra when he saw the kid dodging all of the laser bolts, a part of him was wondering what the boy was thinking. Kallus lowered his hand, ordering his troopers to stop firing. Ezra stopped and sighed before taking out his lightsaber and activating it. Sabine and Zeb were shocked.


Kanan peeked out of behind the grate amazed!... "He's a Jedi!..."

Kallus immediately shook off his surprise and gave his order to the troopers. "All troopers, focus all your fire on the Jedi!..."

As Ezra reflected all of the shots, Kanan picked up his lightsaber from his belt and helped Ezra. Sabine took it as a signal to go.

"Time to go!..."

While Zeb didn't want to leave his friends he knew he had a job to do. "Right. Everyone, into the container!..."

As the two members tried to help the Wookies into the container, Ezra looked over from his position and saw that the little Wookie from earlier was running away in fear. Ezra immediately run after the Wookie kid while Zeb tried to stop him, but to no avail though.

"Kid stop! Karabast! I swear if he's left behind, it's not my fault!..."

Regardless, Sabine knew that they did not have all day. "Zeb, Hera's incoming!..."

Frustrated, Zeb tried to get the others inside. "Get in; you furballs, now!..." Zeb turned to Kanan; who was looking for Ezra while deflecting the laser bolts. Kallus and one of his troopers were also gone. "Kanan! I think you inspired the kid into; well, doing something like you would do!..."

Kanan realized that Ezra went after the Wookie youngling. Meanwhile, the Wookie was running till he reached a dead end on the bridge with a stormtrooper trying to kill him. Suddenly, Ezra called out to him. "Hey!.." The imperial turned around and tried to shoot the Force youngling. Ezra; focusing hard enough, Forceleaped over him, and stunned the stormtrooper with a few energy shots from his wrist blaster. As the trooper fell over the bridge, Ezra sighed with relief as he squatted down beside the Wookie.

"Gotcha! My name's Ezra, I'm here to save you!..." As Ezra to pick the lock, nor he or the little boy notice that Kallus was behind them.

Meanwhile, everyone else got into the grates as Hera arrives to pick her friends up. "Magnetic seal is locked, hang on!..."

Zeb sighed with annoyance as the grate hissed. "I hate this part!..." The crates were lifted
as they flew back to help Ezra.

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