Chapter Seven, Kanan Accepts Ezra Into His Family

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Back on top of the bridge, Ezra had finally unlocked the cuffs on the Wookie boy. Unfortunately, it is only then that he notices Kallus behind him, holding a blaster at the both of them! Ezra tossed the cuffs away and put a protective hand over the Wookie child.

"It's over for you, Jedi! A Master and an Apprentice, such a rare pair to find these days!"

Ezra was already furiously reaching for his lightsaber. "First of all, I do not know where you get delusions from, Buckethead! And second of all, I work alone!..."

"Not this time, you do!..." Ezra looks over the bridge surprised to see Kanan trying to rescue him again. Ezra saw that his friend had his lightsaber activated as well, standing on the top of the ship. Kallus shot two laser bolts at him but deflected both of them at Kallus causing him to lose balance and fall over the bridge.

"Jump, kid!..." Ezra and the boy he saved jumped onto the ship before landing inside with Kanan. Once inside, Kanan puts his saber down and helps Ezra up to his feet.

"Are you okay?..."

"(GROANS) Yeah... I'll be fine!..."

In the main room, Kitwarr saw his father and rushed towards for a hug. Both Sabine and Hera smiled as Zeb realized Ezra had saved a family. Kanan looked over and place a comforting hand on the kid's shoulder, beaming with pride. He had to admit, their new friend did pretty good. Ezra looked over and smiled, it had been so long since someone had been so proud of him. Soon later that day at sunset, it was time for the wookies to go back to their homeworld. Wullffwarro gave some credits to Hera and said something to her in Wookie language as Sabine translated

"He says if we ever need their help, the Wookies will be there!..." Wallffwarro placed his paw on Ezra's head and gives his hair a little ruffle, causing Ezra to giggle happily for the first time in seven years. Kitwarr gave Ezra one final hug Ezra before leaving with his family.

"Good luck Kitwarr, try to stay out of trouble!..."

Zeb snickered at the joke. "Look who's talking..." Ezra knew Zeb meant it as a joke than an insult. Sabine soon began to yawn.

"Well... I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to bed now. Night guys!..."

Hera watches the girl leave for her painted bedroom before turning to put the ship in a safe place from the Empire before she and Chopper turned in for the night. Kanan was about to turn in for the night as well but saw Ezra was a bit upset. Zeb noticed his friend's train of thought and tapped Kanan's shoulder.

"You coming, Kanan?..."

Kanan barely answers him a while, his voice tone a little jumpy. "Uh... No, you go Zeb. I'll turn in later!..."

Zeb shrugs, and goes to his cabin as well, leaving Kanan and Ezra alone. Kanan sat beside Ezra on the floor, waiting for Ezra to speak up. "You're a Jedi, aren't you?.."

Kanan realizes that Ezra would be asking him that, despite only knowing him for only twenty hours. He nods his head before Ezra takes out his lightsaber and giving it to Kanan. The older Jedi looked at it before Ezra explained why he was on the train this morning.

"My real name is Ezra Skywalker... My father and mother were secretly married at the start of the Clone Wars before I was born!... By the time it was almost the end of the war, my mom became blessed with three children... The youngest of them was me... My mother died of a broken heart a long time ago... And I never knew my father..."

Kanan's eyes softened at his friend's sad eyes when an idea clinks into his mind. "Well... If you don't wanna go back to Lothal... Then why don't you stay with us?... I could teach how to be Jedi and Hera could teach you how to fly the Ghost!..."

As Kanan suggests the idea of staying with him, Ezra's eyes warmed up with tears of joy and hugged crying happily. "Yes... Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!... "

Kanan was nearly knocked over by the force of the hug but simply smiles as he hugs the boy and carries him off to sleep in his room...

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