Team Rocket take over.

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"What's going on?!(Cough, Cough)I can't breath!"Brock says."Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Fearow, (Cough), Golbat, and Beedrill fan away the gas!"Ash says and even the Pokémon that don't belong to him pop out to fan away the smoke."Vulpix!"Brock says when the dust clears seeing his new friend being gone."Everyone, stop them!"A familiar green haired man says to his Pokémon as his gold haired partner runs away with a bag."It was Cassidy!How could I be so stupid!"Brock says.Our heroes Pokémon eventually defeat the villains while the trainers are chasing down Cassidy who had hopped in a helicopter flying away."Flyers, get her!"Misty says and Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Fearow, and Beedrill chase after the helicopter but can't use any attacks because they have to dodge the missiles being fired at them."Grab on!"Cassidy says to Butch swooping down to grab her partner."No!"Brock says grabbing onto Butch's leg."Get, off!"Butch says kicking Brock."Pebble Brains!"Meowth says worried."Vulpix!"Vulpix says jumping out the bag still a bit beaten up leaps into Brock's other arm."Gotcha!"Brock says catching Vulpix.But   Butch is able to kick off Brock making him plummet to the ground with Vulpix.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"Brock screams while falling, squeezing Vulpix to his chest and closing his eyes trying to protect Vulpix.Little does he know the flyers are slowly descending them towards the ground."Well that was embarrassing."Brock says."Hey, they're getting away!"Jessie says."Let em go.We got back Vulpix and that's all we need."Brock says and Vulpix licks his face."Wait a second.Vulpix, when did you get here?"The judge asks."Huh?"Brock says."That Vulpix was supposed to be the prize for the winner."The lady says."Vulpix, Vul."Vulpix says sadly."Vulpix says dat she got out of her Pokeball to see da battles."Meowth says."(Sigh)I know you want to battle every once in a while and he did save you along with won the tournament.So the least I can do is let you stay with him."the judge says and Vulpix starts to jump happily."Nine Nine."The Ninetales says bending down to her daughter so she can say goodbye."Here."The judge says to Brock giving him the Pokeball."Thanks, I'll take good care of her."Brock says.

                                                      (After the contest)

"Guys I'm gonna be honest, we can't keep paying for hotels."Ash says."What do you mean?"Misty ask."It cost way to much money, and just battling random trainers isn't gonna cut it."James says."They have a point."Brock says."Fine."Jessie says as they walk towards the Pokémon Center.

"Hi, can we get five rooms please?"James ask."Oh sure."Nurse Joy says grabbing five keys."Thanks."The group says and they walk in their rooms.

                                                                          (The next day.)

"Alright lady, give me the purse!"The group hear as they walk outside the Pokémon Center.They see a male team Rocket grunt yelling at a old lady to give him her purse."Never!"The lady says trying to reach for a Pokeball but the grunt grabs her hand."Hey!"Ash says walking towards the ladies side."What do you think you're doing?!"Misty ask angrily."You want some to?!"The grunt says reaching for his Pokeballs out coming a Zubat and Rattata."Pikachu and Meowth hop off their trainers shoulder, Meowth taking out his claws along with Pikachu sparking his cheeks.The others start to reach for a Pokeball."Grrrrr, cmon."The grunt says to his Pokémon running away but not without snatching five dollars out the lady's purse."Hey, get back here!"Jessie says running after the grunt, but the lady grabs her arm."No, no.That's not a good idea."The lady says and they hear the grunt yell "This Way!". "Quick, get inside!"The lady says grabbing Ash's arm and the group follow her into her house."Shoot!They got away.Continue patrol."Probably the commander says."What's goin on?!"Meowth asks."Yeah?!"The group ask."Shhhh, quite down.It started yesterday.I was walking passed the game corner after going grocery shopping.That's when I was jumped, and before I knew it they took my first Pokémon Pokko my Decidueye.Thankfully I got away with my Rockruff Crystal but it hasn't felt the same without him."The lady says."Wait, so it looks like Team Rocket's taken over!"James says."It seems so.Thank you for your help."The lady says reaching in her bag for something."You don't owe us anything."Brock says."Buuuut, we'll still take any of your donations."Jessie says."Jessie says."Jessie!"Misty says."No, no.It's just fine.But if you can, please save Pokko."She says."We'll try miss..."Ash says."Ms.Keola."Keola."Ash says as the group walk towards the door."Alola!"She says as they walk out the door."Alola?"They say back not understanding."What's that?"Misty ask."I think it's the word for hello or goodbye in Alola."Brock says."Another region?But wouldn't that be like saying"Kanto!" instead of hello?"Ash ask."I guess so."But we better get back on the road."Brock James says."But what about here.It's overrun with team Rocket!"Meowth says."True."Jessie says."Well there must be a way to help!"Misty says."We could try Getting to the bottom of this and stopping it."Brock says."We'd need an army though!"Meowth says and as he's says that the group are pulled back into the Pokémon center they walked past."Are you guys insane!?"A familiar coordinator says."Yeah it's life or death out there!"Says a familiar Gym trainer."Huh!"The group says surprised as the Pokémon center's doors close and a metal shield closes in front of the Pokémon center doors."That was close."Nurse Joy says."Nick?"Misty says."You."Ash says to the gym trainer.

"Don't forget about us."A familiar brunette says.And you see Gary, Daisy and Ritchie sitting on the couch.

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