The takeover

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"Gary, Ritchie, Daisy?!"Ash says."Mind introducing us?"Meowth says helping Pikachu off the ground."Oh yeah, this is Gary my rival, Daisy his older sister, and Ritchie another rival of mine."Ash says."Is that a talking Meowth?!"Daisy and Ritchie say looking surprised."Yep, and what's it to ya?"Meowth ask sarcastically."I think he woke up on the wrong side of his Pokeball."Gary says."And I think you came of the wrong side of ya mom!"Meowth says as the group laughs."Don't mind him.Just a little grumpy."James says ruffling Meowth's fur."So, what now?"Jessie asks getting up."Yeah, it seems like Team Rocket Grunts are everywhere!"Misty says."We've been trying to contact the league, but it seems Team Rocket's did something to the WiFi here."Nurse Joy says."Well, I guess we should fill in our Pokémon."Ash says releasing his on hand team and the others do to."Uh, Ritchie.What's wrong with your Charmeleon?"Ash ask seeing Charmeleon asleep."Zippo!"Ritchie says seeing Charmeleon with his no care attitude."What's up with him?Is he tired or something?"Brock ask."Ritchie."Daisy say as Gary chuckles."(Sigh)Ever since Zippo evolved he stopped listening to me."Ritchie says."Bwaahaahaaaahaahaaa!"Gary says laughing earning him a smack to the back of his head by Daisy."Ow!What was that for!?"Gary ask."Stop being so mean to Ritchie!"Daisy says."Fine."Gary says rubbing the back of his head."Maybe your Charmeleon could help Ash."Jessie says."Maybe, but he's to stubborn.He's my starter so he wasn't traded, I have four gym badges but he just won't listen."Ritchie says.

"Well you don't know till you try, Charmeleon can you do me a favor and try to talk to Ritchie's?"Ash asks and Charmeleon nods getting up after a chat with Marowak and Pikachu.

                                                                     Pokespeech on

"Uh, hi I'm Ash's Charmeleon.I heard you haven't been listening to your trainer so I'm just asking what's up?I know it's weird we're both Charmeleons so you can just call me flame."Flame"says."It's none of your business."Zippo says."I just wanna know why.I know not all trainers are that nice, but at least tell me the reason?"Flame" ask."Fine.It's just, he isn't serious enough.When I was a Charmander, well I was really young.Didn't know much about battles, but Ritchie helped me learned.But once I evolved I noticed he didn't take gym battles as seriously.Then it felt like maybe I have the wrong trainer."Zippo says."I know that I don't know your trainer that well, but maybe he's just tryna have fun in his battles.Sometimes you just need to have fun.My trainer tries to balance it out by occasionally playing with us to show he cares.(I know this might be a plot hole but I just don't wanna draw out the training to much)"Flame"says."Thanks.Maybe I've been a little harsh on Ritchie.Maybe I should sometimes enjoy battling more than just winning."Zippo says."Zippo!!!"Ritchie says hugging Zippo.And as it turns out Meowth was translating the whole time so Ritchie heard the whole thing."You two Charmeleon!"Ritchie says hugging Ash's Charmeleon."Yeah you's did great!You should be a couples counselor!"Meowth says earning him a Flame Burst to the face from both Charmeleons."I'd hate to bring down the mood, but we need a plan.We need to do something!"The gym trainer says."Well, thare's like..... nine other trainers here."Daisy says."Yeah, but we don't have enough Pokémon between us saying that each of those trainers have around three Pokémon."Nick says."True."James says."Riiiiiiiiing!Riiiiiiiiiiiing!"Ash's phone rings and Ash picks it up."AaAsh.iS ThAt yOu?WhErE aRe YoU?!"Professor says but things sound a bit glitchy."Professor Oak!We're at the Pokémon Center in Celadon City!"The group say out loud."I hEarD, tHe PoLiCe aRe CoMiNg bUt It'Ll TaKe a DaY wItH TeAm RoCkEt GeTtInG iN tHe WaY!RiGhT NoW I'm TrYinG tO TrAnSfEr aLl OF YoU gUy's PoKeMoN!"The Professor says and right as they say that the transfer machine in the Poke-center teleports a pile of Pokeballs to the trainers."ThAt ShOuLd bE It!"Professor Oak says as he cuts out."Alright, you guys should try to finger out who's is who's."Nick says.After a while they sort through the Pokeballs with Ash's Bulbasaur and Krabby, Gary's Krabby, Daisy's Exeggcute and Tangela who were already filled in.(Also here's the list of all the Pokémon.Ash's Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Marowak, Bulbasaur Charmeleon, Squirtle, and Krabby.James' Growlithe(Growlie), Carnivine, Meowth, Koffing, Weepinbell, and Gyarados.Jessie's Ekans, Fearow, and Beedrill.Misty's Staryu, Goldeen, Gyarados, Gloom, Horsea, and Tentacool.Brock's Geodude, Ryhorn, Onix, Golbat, and Vulpix.Ritchie's Charmeleon,(Zippo) Pikachu,(Sparky) Butterfree(Happy), Eevee(Vee), Sandslash(Sonic) and Slowpoke(Slowmo).Daisy's Ivysaur, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorina, Chansey, Machoke, Exeggcute and Tangela.Gary's Wartortle, Nidorino, Eevee, Eletabuzz, Growlithe, Dodrio, and Krabby.Nick's Poliwhirl, Alolan Sandslash, and Scyther.)"Bang!Bang!"They hear what sounds like banging on a metal shield."Get out!"A voice says."It's team Rocket!"Nurse Joys screams.

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