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You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
– Alan Moore
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for the 20 minutes that hyunjin was driving back to his home, he kept replaying the 4 hours that were spent at jeongins place. the more he thought about it, the more he was confused by his own feeling and thoughts. it was like they were trying to drown him like a salty ocean; giving him no chance to swim out.

it's been awhile since he was this close around people, actually socializing and engaging. he was so used to being a wallflower decoration that ended up being hated on after everyone finished admiring him. it felt weird having a good time in a society.

sure he did feel annoyed at some point. especially when when jisung would start shit with him. but he didn't feel like the young squirrel was there to actually attack and violate him. there was no intention of potential danger coming from jisung. just like felix has said, he was just being cautious of him which is totally understandable.

but the more hyunjin thought about it, the more he found himself genuinely enjoying the time he spent with the group. he enjoyed minhos delicious food, felixs nosy attitude, changbins weird obsession with felix, and of course his angels constant bright smile. he was fascinated with the different types of smiles and expressions he have seen today. he felt his soul warm up as the images of the group started popping up in his head. the memory of them fighting over food, felix crying over the choice of the movie, jisung trying to get minhos attention but still be slick about it. subconsciously his laugh filled the space of the car and replaced the melody of 'Love me or Leave me' that was playing quietly. he naturally stopped after about 30 seconds, letting the edges of his mouth slowly fall down. his cheeks hurting but inside warm and fuzzy.

is this what it's like to have a friend group?

he didn't notice how he was already at his house, parking in the driveway. his eyes caught another familiar car standing next to his own. he questioned it as he exited his car, and made his way into the house.

"he's home!" was the first thing hyunjin heard as he entered. "hey jinnie! go change and join us at the table. we're about to eat." said his father who was holding a few white plates in his hands. hyunjin looked at him weirdly as he took off his shoes as well as the jacket and put it away.

"what's this about?" hyunjin asked as he motioned at the dining room table that was set up way too fancy for a basic family dinner. not to mention, both of his parents were home at a reasonable time which was unusual.

"the seo family is coming over soon." his mother said as she came into the view carrying two plates with salads.  "so you better go wash up and change into something more casual." she walks up to her son after leaving the plates on the table and kisses hyunjin sweetly on the cheek.

mrs. hwangs statements left hyunjin mortified. not only does he have to deal with society even more than he already did, it's the seo family. the seo family whos daughter, seo soojin, was head over heels for him. he would rather be stuck at school than in a room with her.

"uh mom. i already ate do i have to be here for the dinner?" he quickly thought of an escape plan. he loved his mom but he was not about to deal with a love struck girl for another two hours.

his mom looks at him giving him a side eye. she checks him out up and down and it didn't cease hyunjins nerves.

"sweets." she says slowly, as if she just realized something. "where were you?" her question leave hyunjin confused as well as his father.

"you're not sweaty, you don't smell like minhyuns room, you're still wearing school clothes, and you don't have your practice bag with you. so tell me child, where were you?"

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