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The Japanese say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends and family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.
—Author Unknown
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the shower lasted for about 7 songs that jeongin spent singing in his head. in fact, he was still humming the tune of try again as he got out. the droplets of water running down his body as he tried his best to wipe himself dry. his wet hair fell flat on his face covering his eyes slightly. a sudden impulse visited his head but he quickly shook it off as dying his hair should be the last thing on his mind.

he put on the sweats and didn't bother tying them around his waist as they sat pretty tightly on his hips. this made him wonder about how lean hyunjins body was. as a dancer he obviously worked more towards building a leaner body for prettier body lines instead of a bulky and ripped form like jeongin has always wanted. in fact, now that he looked at himself in the mirror he realized he want that far from his goal.

he flexed his biceps in the mirror a bit, praising how well of a job he's been doing lately before exiting the room. he exited the bathroom as he worked his way through the shirt that was inside out, not noticing a hyunjin who was trying to figure out which side of his shorts was front and which was back. his hoodie went down halfway though his thighs, enough to cover him up but not enough to be comfortable walking around naked in it.

they awkwardly stared at each other, clothes in their grasp but no movement was made to put them on. captivated yet surrounded by tension hyunjin whispered: "this is fruity."

"i- oh- um!" jeongin quickly turned around, feeling his face flushing up in color. the image of hyunjins lean legs and wet tanned skin engraved in his mind. he remembers the shirt in his hands, flipping it out and finally pulling it on.

after about a minute of silently standing he heard hyunjin laugh. "you can turn around now." without really raising his face, jeongin faced hyunjin who was already on his bed with a remote in his hand. the two made eye contact yet again, but hyunjin broke it. "are you going to stand there the whole night or join me? i thought i was promised cuddles."

without wasting anytime, jeongin made his way towards the elder. hyunjin got under the blankets, holding one end open for jeongin to sit next to him. hyunjin handed him a pillow which he but behind his back so it won't be pressed against the hard wall and the two made themselves comfortable.

"what do you want to watch? there's comedy, horror, romance, fantasy- you name it."

jeongin smiled at the small ramble. "fantasy? been awhile since i watched Percy jackson."

as the words leave his mouth, hyunjin slowly turns his head to look at the other with disgust. "percy jackson movie sucked compared to the book. the events are so inaccurate." hyunjin scrunched his face, the mere memory of how the two didn't match up making him shiver.

jeongin rolled his eyes at him. "whatever. you're just a hater." he sticks his tongue out, and hyunjin takes that as an excuse to stare at his lips again. his mind suddenly traveled to the practice room, flashing him the memory of jeongin eating his lip away without letting him do anything back. he turned back to the TV, quick. feeling his stomach twist in all directions as his face flamed like he just ate a bag of hot cheetos. he couldn't handle spice well. neither could he handle how hot jeongin looked with his wet now spiky hair covering his half lifted eyes and sharp features illuminated by the tv. god, he was gorgeous.

without any further bickers, hyunjin turned on Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.

"EW. get away from him!" hyunjin screamed as medusa grabbed onto percy, her snakes moving like worms on her head.

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