448 21 15

I wonder which will get you killed faster—your loyalty or your stubbornness?
—Author Unknown
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"you look whiter than usual."

and then silence. jeongin swore it was too much to handle at 8 in the morning.

"how could that be, i wonder... oh! probably because he dyed his hair!" seungmim flicked his fingers, an unusually enthusiastic smile on his face.

the group collectively decided to ignore the boy, turning away to look at each other.

"is it just me or is jisung looking unnaturally bright today." at jeongins words, everyone started looking at the squirrel boy with curios eyes. they started slowly nodding their heads in agreement.

jisung laughed at them with slight nervousness, feeling a bit tense with the amount of attention he's getting. "ah, the skin care from hyram must be finally kicking in!"

"cut the crap and just admit that minho gave you a good fuck."

felixs voice cut in earning him a smack on the head from a flustered jisung. seriously, the boy once looks up from his nintendo but gets hit right after.

"but did he lie? bitch did he lie?" jeongin who's been watching jisung about to commit a homicide, cut in in hopes of breaking the two apart. it worked, to say the least, though now he's the new victim of the short squirrel.

"like you're one to talk! we all saw you walk out of hyunjins car friday morning." he proudly stated, crossing his arms.

jeongin fake gasped. "no you didn't." but before his friends could reply and prove him otherwise, he pinched jisungs sensitive nipples and ran away.

lunch rolled in all too soon, especially for jeongin who's been working hard on editing his project. he decided not to dwell on his family life for now. he's been doing fine for all these years, he can pull off a bit longer.

"has anyone seen hyunjin?" he asks once he noticed that the whole group was at the table eating. even minho somehow managed to sneak in to bring jisung some lunch. now, the two were all over each other with the younger sitting on his lap as if there was no where else to sit. though no one dared to question them.

"i saw him go into the dance room after fourth period." changbin who had his eyes on the phone this whole time answered, but went right back into the cyber world after. this was weird to jeongin, an unusual behavior from someone so felix-obsessed as changbin. he made a mental note to check up on his friend later.

"thanks." jeongin didn't give his friends a chance to ask why as he dashed out of the cafeteria.

getting up till the third floor by feet wasnt an easy task, jeongin concluded. he swear he lost 3 and a half years of his life span from going up on them. he could only imagine the pain of those who had to go through this everyday.

"fuck wheres that room of a devil." he question as he skimmed through the hallway. he wondered how do people orient through here; the floor reminded him of a labyrinth.

he was close to giving up, until he heard low basses of a song play. he followed the sound, now running with new found energy.

he was excited. for why it was obvious like a day, though he didn't want to admit to it just yet. his smile blocked his vision, teeth showing and all. heart leaped in excitement for a reason other than him exercising. it's already been a weekend since he's seen hyunjin, and to add to his pain the elder didn't visit or spammed him with texts the last four classes like he always did. he almost grew upset due to that, but reminded himself that he doesn't own hyunjin and he should touch some grass. however, that didn't kill the inflammation to show the elder his new hair. he never realized he could be this needy for hyunjins attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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