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I lie without a mask, thus I am an honest man.
– Lionel Suggs
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3rd Person POV - Jeongins Focus

jeongin sighed in frustration, watching how the clock hands moved slower than a camel. him and jisung have already agreed that the slowest 10 seconds of their life are the ones they have to spend waiting for the bell to ring.

he was unsuccessful in his mission of untangling the wires of his earbuds with one hand, therefore he gave up. deciding that it would be a better idea to do that once he was out of the school building. he resumed his staring contest with the clock, watching how it ticked while having a mental countdown of the last 10 seconds.








his body tensed, muscles tightened as his eyes were now staring at the door in front of him— his only way out. he was ready to run straight to it as soon as the bell rings, and that's exactly what he did.

who said it was a good idea to put me in a class full of freshmen?

he thought as he made it into the main hallway. watching how kids all around went to their lockers and talked to their friends. he smirked, loving the advantage that he held over those who had to squeeze in-between the loads of desperate students to get to their locker. he already took care of his books before going to his last class. yes, his backpack might have been a few pounds too heavy since he had an extra textbook stuffed in there, but if that meant that he had the privilege of getting out of school 5 minutes earlier, he found it worth the pain. plus, he doesn't workout for nothing.

his trail of thoughts was cut off when a student stretched out their hand to high five him. with bright smiles, the two high fived each other and went on their separate ways. this wasn't the first time and definitely not the last. people in this school adored jeongin. i mean,, who wouldn't? the boy literally had sunshine and rainbows flying around him. the only ones who had the guts to glare at him were homophobes, but even those didn't have the strength to even as much as say a few bad words his way -let alone physically hurt him.

happily skipping through the hallway, he smiled at everyone coming his way. high fiving the people he knew (which is lowkey everyone) and greeting back those who talked to him first.

"hey, jeongin! nice look!"

"thanks! looking good yourself!"

"innie! nice job on the test."

"ahh, you did well too!"

"thank you for the notes innie! you literally saved me!"

"no problem yuri, glad i helped!"

and that was how his everyday went by. he was nice to everyone and they returned the gesture. walking out of the school and through the gates, he still kept that bright smile on his face. did his cheeks got tired and hurt because of it? maybe. was he gonna let it fall? definitely no.

it wasn't until he was more than half way close to his apartment, he let his shoulders fall and the edges of his lips doing the same. taking a few deep breaths of air in and out, he felt himself relax into the chilly wind. the air brushed through his hair and jeongin thought it felt very funny, yet it helped him loosen up.

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