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Like icebergs, people normally expose only a small part of themselves, and generally just the part they wish to show.
– Nikki
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jeongjins pov

"alright jeongin, here's the list of books you need. come back to the class once you get all of them." my english teacher handed me the piece of paper and left. i bowed to her respectfully as i turned around on my heel to explore through the spacious library. a list with about 8 book titles was in my hands. it made me sigh.

"why do i need so many books? it's not like we will actually read them through this semester. and why do i need to be here alone? she could've at least send felix here to help me. omo, i'm sad...and lonely." i mumbled to no one in particular. just saying the random things on my mind as i walked through the aisles filled with books.

"book number one, 'of mice and men'." do people still read that?!

about 10 minutes later, i already had 5 books in my hands. all of them were different sizes and weights, making it a struggle to hold them all at once. with my hands slightly aching, i started looking for the sixth book. and to my surprise, i didn't find it on the bottom rows like all the previous ones. can you imagine how regretful i was when i saw the book on the very top shelf where i wouldn't be able to reach even if jump.

"oh, no no no no no." i shook my head lightly, stomping my feet in frustration. i wondered what i'm gonna do. there was no way i could reach that top shelf without hurting myself, or the library. my only choices were to either skip and go on to the next one, or ask someone for help. but there weren't any tall people around....

as if the gods themselves heard my pleas of help, a tall person walked into the library holding a slip of paper that he handed to the librarian. the old lady looked at it, nodded, and gestured for him to come in. as he was walking closer towards where i was, i recognized the pretty face.

"hey, hyunjin!" i whisper yelled to him. "hyunjin!!"

he looked at me with a judging face but didn't say anything when i gestured for him to come closer.


"see that book on the top shelf?" i asked while pointing at the book i need, ignoring the cold tone. "can you help me reach it?"

he looked at the book on the top shelf and then back at me. a smirk growing on his face. oh no.

"poor little innie can't reach to the top shelf, huh?"

his words caused a wave of embarrassment run through my body. a whine left my mouth and i jumped slightly on the spot, imitating a child. "either help me or decline and leave. no need to make fun of my height." a pout made its way on my cute face, making my cheeks puff out a bit.

"hey hey, i was joking ok." he quickly reached for the book with ease before handing it to me. a smile plastered on his face. "there. happy?"

my lips curved into a smile at the sight of the book in his hand but it soon became irrelevant (not that is was ever relevant). i caught myself staring at his smile for maybe longer than it was socially normal, but seriously, who wouldn't?

"what? is there something on my face?" he asked. his smile falling as he took out his phone to look at his reflection.

"do it again."

he looks at me weirdly while putting his phone back from where he got it. "do what?"

"smile." i bluntly say and watch his expression become blank for a moment before a light shade of pink appears on the tip of his nose.

"what? no!" he quickly responds before rolling his eyes and murmuring a low 'you're crazy'.

"you're right, sorry." i smile sheepishly at him. "well, thank you for the help." i stretch my hand out to him so he could hand me the book. silently hoping that he won't notice how my other hand started shaking at the weight of the other books that i was carrying.

his eyes looked down at my hands and then back at me. then without sayings anything, he stepped closer and took all of the 5 books away from me into his grasp.

"how many more do you need?"

i look at him, absolutely speechless. "2 more?" he nods and then snatches the list with the book titles out of my hands and looks at it.

"follow me." he said sternly before taking off and walking towards another aisle. with small steps i instantly follow him.

"you don't have to, i can do it myself." i assure him, but he doesn't seem convinced at all.

"your shaky noodle hands tell me the otherwise." he retorted, grinning as he flung yet another book.

"at least no ones trying to poison me."

he stops, reaching up for the last book (finally) and slapping my face with it.

i rub my now red spot that appeared on my face in pain and watch him confidently walk away to the librarian to check out the books, as if he didn't just abuse my face with them.

catching up to him quickly, we check out the books and he decides that he will be nice enough to help me carry them to my class.

"wait, why were you in the library to begin with?" i ask out of nowhere.

shrugging his shoulders lightly, he replies. "we are doing a research for something in my history class, but i have done a similar one in my previous school. i asked the teacher if i could go to the library to 'look for more books and resources' but was planning to nap instead." he looks down at me with a glare. "and then you happened."

i laugh lightly while rubbing me nape. "i'm sorry."

and silence kicked in.

the awkwardness of our current situation can't be expressed in words. hell, there's absolutely no words needed! only by looking at us you can see how tense it was.

when finally seeing the familiar door, i let out a breath of relief and stop next to it."welp, this is my class." i turned to look at him and he handed me the books. an 'oof' leaves my mouth when i felt the weight of those stacked papers on my hands. "t-thank you."

"no problem. see you around." he said at last, turned around, and left.

i watched his retrieving back for a few seconds before he turned around the corner and completely disappeared out of my sight.

shrugging off my last thoughts, i open the door and enter the classroom.

weird kid.

lmao this chap wasn't planned like,,at all.

but i need a few more of these small 'filler' moments before moving into the real deal. i don't like it when things are way too rushed so deal with me ;)

also sorry for the inactivity i was dealing with life 🤪

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