Valentines Day Special ♡︎

313 31 58

This Chapter Has Nothing to do With the Original Plot
Hope You Enjoy

hyunjin was currently in bed, laying on his back with his hand covering his eyes. his breathing was slow and the gears in his head wouldn't stop rotating.

every second his mind was coming back to a certain dimpled angel who's lips were working as a fuel for his mind to continue working.

ahh...those sweet addicting lips. they were all hyunjin craved for.

ever since the two of them shared their first kiss, hyunjin couldn't stop thinking of how jeongins lips felt on his. even now, almost 24 hours later, the memory made butterflies erupt in his stomach. the feelings he was feeling were truly euphoric.

"i wanna see him!" he whined and started swinging his legs in the air out of frustration.

deciding to act purely on impulse, he got out of bed, grabbed the keys of his car, and left the house. telling his mom that he's gonna go get takeout.

he took his phone out and texted jeongin. just to make sure he won't be coming to an empty house.

angel, where are you?

went to the store :D

stay there.

he started his car, driving in the direction of the small store he knows oh so well. all the little moments him  and jeongin have shared in it unfolding his head. from the first time he have met him at the entrance, to all the times he have bought strawberry milk for him there, to that one photo session they did. it was almost unbelievable at how things played out for them.

jeongin started at his phone, feeling his heart rate increasing ever so slightly.

what is he gonna do? it sounded serious... is he gonna come here??! nah jeongin, stop getting your houses up...

he thought, but his actions greatly contradicted his actions. because, soon after, jeongin found himself walking toward the fridges and grabbing two bottles of flavored milk. banana for hyunjin, and strawberry for himself.

then he walked towards the snack section and looked for the snacks both him and hyunjin would enjoy. when it came to snacks, his and hyunjins tastes contrasted greatly, which surprised both of them.

he eyed the bad of honey butter chips when he heard the doors of the store open and close. due to his short height, he couldn't see the person walking in, which was why he was currently on his tippy toes watching a mop of black hair walking in between aisles of snacks and food.

he was debating if he should say something, in case or was hyunjin who was looking for him- but decided against it.

he watched the person walk through the aisle in front of his, and soon as they turned around the corner and started walking toward heongin, the boy felt himself grow disappointed.

it wasn't hyunjin.

letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he started putting the snacks back into their place.

of course it wasn't jinnie. did you really think he would show up? aish, stupid foolish pabo.

in the middle of his self-scolding slash self-pity sessions, the store doors opened. a person stormed in through them, making jeongin focus his attention on the black mop of hair. he mentally slapped himself for his childish behavior that he couldn't stop.

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